

  • thanks for the reply. All of our HR monitors are relatively new and all clean. our settings are all correct. (there are 3 of us, but the other 2 are girls.) I read somewhere that men burn more...but DOUBLE what they both burn? seems too good to be true. anyway, both of them are burning roughly the same no. of Calories.…
  • Wow thanks for all the replies!! i think i have opened up my diet to public viewing. I love the recipe snf_05!! making me hungry already! :) majikmeg, i'm already doing some crazy workouts in the gym, of usually 5-8RM for most compound exercises. Workout's not a problem. it's my diet :( Anyway, pls let me know if you can…
  • omg my dinner alone was over 1500 calories :( It's tough to eat so much I must say.....hard to believe ain't it lol
  • Absolutely right BJB, and thanks for the good luck. Gaining 22lbs and losing 6.5% bf seems really daunting right now, especially when i've been stuck at 16% for the past 2 years. It's going to be hard to shift my body's fatpoint down, but I hope I can manage it in the next 4 months.Shouldn't be too hard to gain about a…
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