Just found this awesome program!

I just added this iphone app and i'm thoroughly impressed!

I hope i'll have the motivation to log my food and exercises everyday.

I'm 34, 178cm tall, weigh 70kg at 16.5% bodyfat, and my goal is to hit 80kg and 10% bf over the next 4 months. (less if possible!!)

here's to the next 4 months of intense workouts and crazy amounts of steak, potatoes, and protein shakes :)


  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    5' 11.5", 154 lbs, 16% body fat wanting to be 176 lbs with 10% body fat. Sounds like a muscular plan. I'm guessing body building will be a favorite part of your exercises. Best of luck in your endeavors. BJB
  • skywalk
    skywalk Posts: 7
    Absolutely right BJB, and thanks for the good luck. Gaining 22lbs and losing 6.5% bf seems really daunting right now, especially when i've been stuck at 16% for the past 2 years. It's going to be hard to shift my body's fatpoint down, but I hope I can manage it in the next 4 months.Shouldn't be too hard to gain about a pound per week on a 4k/day calorie diet I hope :)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    lucky you, you get to EAT!!! Most of us are RESTRICTING calories! My goal is 1200-1400 a day!

    Good luck! :)
  • skywalk
    skywalk Posts: 7
    lucky you, you get to EAT!!! Most of us are RESTRICTING calories! My goal is 1200-1400 a day!

    Good luck! :)

    omg my dinner alone was over 1500 calories :(
    It's tough to eat so much I must say.....hard to believe ain't it lol