

  • I turned 50 too -- 11 years ago :) I am not thrilled with getting older, but it sure beats the alternative. As to downsizing: I have now worked off almost 45 pounds since February 13 this year. I certainly never THOUGHT I could do it, but deciding to give it the old college try was the first move in the right direction. I…
  • When I first started eliminating my unwanted excess weight in February (I started out at 222.5 and am down to 175.5), I lost 3.8 pounds the first week and 4.4 pounds the second. By the end of March I had settled into a routine of losing just under 2 pounds a week. The first weight loss was definitely water -- because I cut…
  • My reaction is that is more than a bit unnatural/creepy. My inclination would be to 1) ask my daughter how she feels about it and how she would like it to be handled With her permission I would: 2) have a man to man talk with him to point out to him how it looks to others - it may not have occurred to him
  • chuckle
  • I can't run (very bad knees) so I walk as fast as I can but I can add three more pet peeves: 1) broken sidewalks (I've narrowly missed sprawling more than once) 2) cars that make fast turns right in front of you 3) cars that pass an arm's length away (or less) on country roads - that's just TOO scary!
  • It's been a tough journey for you to get to here. But you're brave enough to face up to the problem. By sharing it with us, you've lessened the burden because now you have a whole bunch of nosy neighbours that will help keep you on track :)
  • I've been a member of Curves for two months now and I have to say that I really enjoy it. The reasons are: 1) There is always a trainer watching as people work out and prepared to offer tips without charging an extra cent. For us seniors (I'm 61 years old) it's reassuring to know that someone is actually paying attention…
  • thank you very much lcoulter -- I fixed it :)
    in sodium Comment by SilkeForce August 2011
  • I love it with fresh berries and I often add half a cup of pure bran to it as well and have it for breakfast. But for a savoury version, I will add roasted garlic to it - makes a great veggie dip that way :)
  • I've had several pedometers. I've worn all of them on the treadmill and compared the readings. I've returned all the ones that didn't compare well. the best one for accuracy so far is the Curves pedometer sold by Avon -- that was a HUGE surprise