
Can anyone tell me how I can report an error in the listed sodium content of a food? For some crazy reason, asparagus is listed as having about 100 times the sodium that it really has.
Tracking sodium content is important to me because I am on a low-sodium diet. Asparagus is one I know WELL!


  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    click the nutrition info and press "no this is not correct" click edit and put in correct sodium.
  • I was looking at your weight loss tracker on a post about sodium. I just wanted to tell you I am glad you have decided to make this lifestyle change. On June 8th 2009 I started my journey at 320 pounds. I am still working on my weight loss but I am happy to say I did not give up. I currently weigh 190 pounds. All the weight was lost through diet and exercise. I know when I started at the number 320, I honestly thought a healthy weight and lifestyle was so out of reach. I continued to set small goals and still do to this day. You will love all the happiness that comes with each goal you meet. Remember it is not a race. You are doing great with your loss so far. Before you know it your weight will be under 300 and I remember that being the best feeling ever!
  • thank you very much lcoulter -- I fixed it :)