Quick loss to start, and water-in/water-out

I weighed in on Tuesday at 226. Today (Thursday), I'm at 221. Even though I've eaten well and exercised a good bit, I find it hard to believe that I've lost five pounds of actual weight that quickly. Someone suggested it might just be water from all the sweating, but I've been putting a lotta water back into my body (about 12-16 glasses a day).

So, what do you thing, MFP people? Is this mostly water weight lost? Or is it genuine weight loss because of the water I'm putting back into my body? Does everyone lose a lot in the first couple of days?

Thanks for any input, and best of luck to everyone! :)


  • Ashleysh22
    Ashleysh22 Posts: 204 Member
    It is most likely water weight. It would be entirely unhealthy to lose that much weight in that short period of time. It could also be the time of day you weigh yourself. The best time of day is first thing in the morning because it provides a regular comparison group. Due to metabolism and water consumption - you will also likley weigh less in the morning. But you shouldn't be flunctuated 5 pounds for water weight - so hold on to the fact that you have indeed loss SOME weight ;)
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I lost 10 lbs my first week and I'm sure a good chunk of that was water weight, but some of it was actual poundage, I'm sure :D
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    Have you always weighed frequently? Many of us vary 2-5lbs. I wouldnt worry about it and keep drinking plenty of water and keep up exercise. Dont get discouraged if Saturday you have put it all or most of it back on. When i firdt started i fluctuated a great deal. When i did have a loss it seemd to come off 5lbs at a time in a matter of days but was 4-6 weeks in. See where your at next Tuesday.
  • lmbame905
    lmbame905 Posts: 83 Member
    I had the same thing happen last week. 5 lbs slipped off quickly, but guess what? They came right back!! It was so disapointing that I couldn't enjoy the 2 lb victory I really had at the end of the week!

    Try to stay off the scale for a full week and weigh at the same time when you do weigh.

    Good job and stick with it!!
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    I too weighed myself Tuesday and then today! 3lb difference! I was wondering the same thing.. how much is realistically water versus actually loss. I only did some light walking yesterday yet on the day after I jogged I was heavier on the scale!
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, first thing. And yes, I do it daily. I know I should only do it once a week, but I'm too curious. I just have to not let the daily fluctuations bug me when I fluctuate up despite having a great day food- and exercise-wise the day before.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    oh crap! I didn't think of that! I've been sweating my brains out too (jillian) oh grr... well I'm giving myself 1lb of actual fat and 1lb of water weight
    so there
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    You get a huge loss the first week or two of restricting calories mostly from your body releasing glycogen/water.

    Your body stores its energy as fat or glycogen. Glycogen requires water to be stored, so initially your body goes after the glycogen- not the fat- first, hence the big weight drop. That initial big drop is a great motivator, just don't get used to it!
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    If you had weighed in daily before you started trying to lose you may have fluctuated the same (or close to that). You may have just noticed it because you are starting to watch your weight. I'm in the 160s now and i sill fluctuate several pounds. It will take time. Stressing willl cost you so look at it long term and dont let those bad weigh ins bother you (unless you deserve it!). How much in 2 weeks or by the end of this month is safe to lose ~3lbs. Make sure you set small goals at a time and dont deprive yourself 100%. If you need to go out or want a couple beers during a football game or dinner etc (once day per week!).....log in a few extra miles and dont worry about it. Make sure you eat a small healthy snack before walking out too. That will help you cheat a little but keep portion size down and wont cost you everything you did the week of..

    good luck!
  • When I first started eliminating my unwanted excess weight in February (I started out at 222.5 and am down to 175.5), I lost 3.8 pounds the first week and 4.4 pounds the second. By the end of March I had settled into a routine of losing just under 2 pounds a week.
    The first weight loss was definitely water -- because I cut back on salt enormously. I drank more water each day than I ever had in my life - my usual one glass of water per day went up to 8 glasses - so what was happening was just that I was flushing all that garbage out of my system. I suspect that you are doing much the same
    What a wonderful way to start your new life.
    Congratulations and good luck on your continued journey
