

  • Candles! Burn lots and lots of candles! Those big bags of votives in the tiny tins are excellent for this. They're self-contained and small enough to stick just about anywhere. I had a roommate who used to put them along all the picture rails in the living and dining room of our house and on the outside edge of each step…
  • Sounds like Athena and Diana together. Nice image of strength and fleetness. Sounds like a great motivator!
  • Do your Kegals to music and talk to your doctor about a pessary. It's a little plastic thingy that wedges up in your hoo-ha and supports the weakened muscles around your urethra. It's fitted like a diaphragm and comes in 20 or 30 shapes to make the best fit. I only know this because I noticed a poster in the gyno's office…
  • Grounding.You probably know this one. I usually stand in the dark before bed, but you can do it any time. Stand tall and run through the one where your body slowly connects down to the center of the earth via a thread of energy that widens into a column that fills you up with golden light/power/joy (or whatever color works…
  • We host a Solstice/Yule party every year that lasts for 10 or 12 hours. It's more like an open house as it starts mid-morning and ends late at night. Our traditional activities are these: Everyone lights a candle when they arrive, adding to the overall indoor light, thus encouraging the sun to return (as it miraculously…
  • I love that: "smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave." It's a great response. I can't say I've ever had that problem, but maybe, "That's so sweet of you to care about my health. Thank you! How's YOUR health these days?" Switch the subject to them and get them talking about themselves.
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