

  • my son is 4 &1/2 & after he was born i grew quite lazy...but then after the weight began to stay on & increase i was like, i need a change...so i worked real hard at keeping 'bad' foods out of my house (against my husbands wishes), reading labels, eating whole foods, baking more stuff at home instead of buying...cooking…
  • First of all I think you are very fortunate to have all of these opportunities...oh how i would love to spend so much time with friends & retreats & oh i would do anything for a vacation!!! Going out to dinner??? What is that? With a big family to provide for, lots of graduate studies, work & oh so much...and trying to…
  • It is so extremely difficult to be consistent. I have always been a yo-yo-er for the most part. It is not so easy for me to lose the weight quickly anymore, now that I am over 30 and have had a child. I also live a fast paced life as most do, so it is difficult to "find the time." I also began MFP in September and began…
  • I am glad to hear you want to establish healthy habits at your age. I am 31 and wish I would've thought about things like that, because when life takes you where you don't expect and life starts moving real fast, if you don't have good habits, it is real easy to get into the bad ones and it gets more difficult with age to…
  • Sounds like you have already created a super healthy lifestyle foundation to start from. I am 31 and lathough about a decade before you, know what you mean about it being a bit more difficult to lose. I just can't do it like I used to and I definately do not want to reach 40 and begin trying, becasue I can't imagine how…
  • I have just joined as well. I have found in the past week that keeping track of things and having the network support is what I really need to get going on my goals. I also have learned that it took time to get the pounds on, so it will take time to get it back off and if I can lose just a pound a week, then it will be a…
  • Hi! I'm Michelle of Michigan and since I have had a baby 2 years ago the weight issue has been literally growing! I married 10 years ago and have slowly been adopting quite negative eating & exercising habits-never consistant. My husband is a poor eater and does not care to live the active lifestyle I do, so I have slowly…
  • Wow. Sounds like you have definately set your mind to change. And that is what it is all about. It is all in the mind. I believe it actually takes more than just that trigger moment or that one day. I have been building up to making these lifestyle changes for a few years now. I have gradually been making better choices…