Hey I just joined and I'm in need of friends on here :]

So I've decided it's time to change my life. I need to lose about 150 pounds, and I know that's a lot, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes :D

I could really use some support and friends on here, and I'm here if anyone else needs support!


  • ashleyyy
    So I've decided it's time to change my life. I need to lose about 150 pounds, and I know that's a lot, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes :D

    I could really use some support and friends on here, and I'm here if anyone else needs support!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Welcome to MFP! If you ever need to chat just send me a message. You'll find great support here. :happy:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
  • alaskabrat
    alaskabrat Posts: 40 Member
    Hi there! I just joined as well! Welcome aboard! I would love to chat with you and we can share stories and support! Sound good? Stop by to say hi if you are interested, we all could use more friends!!

  • disobedientmeek
    So I've decided it's time to change my life. I need to lose about 150 pounds, and I know that's a lot, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes :D

    I could really use some support and friends on here, and I'm here if anyone else needs support!

    Hey Ive been here for a few days but im obsessed
    Ill help you and you can help me!!!
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Remember slow and steady wins the race so don't try to lose that weight to fast.

  • Fit2btied
    Fit2btied Posts: 486
    Welcome, and good luck in your journey to good health and fitness!;)
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Remember slow and steady wins the race so don't try to lose that weight to fast.


    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • michelleac
    I have just joined as well. I have found in the past week that keeping track of things and having the network support is what I really need to get going on my goals. I also have learned that it took time to get the pounds on, so it will take time to get it back off and if I can lose just a pound a week, then it will be a lot less a year from now, than if I didn't do anything, as I have been doing.

    So just take it one day at a time. take your time, because change takes time. and it is all a mental game as well. it is all what you put into it, so if you focus on eating right and staying active, then changes will happen. of course we all eat those things that are not good for us from time to time, which is normal, but the thing is not to let it get us down and just dont quit. everything in moderation. i have been making sure that i eat a majority of the good stuff, which makes me feel better, which in turn makes me not even want the bad stuff as much, but when i do eat the bad stuff, i dont feel as bad and i just keep on going. i dont let it get me down. and beginning a life of activity has to begin somewhere. i think it is importnat to get something in every day. but that is really hard when you live fast. so i try at least 4-5 times a week. even if it is just a 15, 20 minute walk/jog, I am still getting out and moving. that is where it begins. starta small. dont try to do too much at once. it usually backfires.

    by the way you do not look like you need to lose 150 pounds in your picture, if it counts for anything. good luck and you can do it.