Seems Like Every Weekend There is an Event Which Throws Me O

Sometimes i feel like a hamster on a wheel. i make some progress during the week and then on the weekend, we have dinners out, a weekend away, travelling for work, out with friends and so on. this weekened for instance, i'm going away for 3 days, and i know i'm going to be put in tough food situations for the entire weekend (i'm not cooking the whole time so it makes it hard to control my food choices.)

it feels like there is always something though. i looked ahead at my calendar, and my spring and summer are chock full of vacations, retreats, work trips, long weekends, camping and so on...

i'm trying to set up small, acheivable goals, and know everything is in my power to change, but it just seems like i am taking one small step forward and 3 big steps back all the time.... i'm trying but it makes it hard to stay focused. not only that, but i am the only fat one out of ALL of my friends, ALL of my coworkers and ALL of my family..

so this weekend, i'm going to try to make healthy choices, try to walk as much as possible and try not to get myself down if i end up going off track a little...

thanks for listening :)


  • leafylee
    Sometimes i feel like a hamster on a wheel. i make some progress during the week and then on the weekend, we have dinners out, a weekend away, travelling for work, out with friends and so on. this weekened for instance, i'm going away for 3 days, and i know i'm going to be put in tough food situations for the entire weekend (i'm not cooking the whole time so it makes it hard to control my food choices.)

    it feels like there is always something though. i looked ahead at my calendar, and my spring and summer are chock full of vacations, retreats, work trips, long weekends, camping and so on...

    i'm trying to set up small, acheivable goals, and know everything is in my power to change, but it just seems like i am taking one small step forward and 3 big steps back all the time.... i'm trying but it makes it hard to stay focused. not only that, but i am the only fat one out of ALL of my friends, ALL of my coworkers and ALL of my family..

    so this weekend, i'm going to try to make healthy choices, try to walk as much as possible and try not to get myself down if i end up going off track a little...

    thanks for listening :)
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Everyone has these kinds of days.Just treat everyday as a new one and start fresh .Clear your mind and boost your will power to start fresh each day and eat healthy,exercise right,and you will get to your goals.If you find it hard to focus come on here and get the support you need.Bottom line is we all fall off the wagon sometimes just don't let it pass you up will your trying to get back on.Hop back on there you can do this.
  • agapita1965
    I know what you mean, I've had many events come up. Plan ahead. Last weekend when I went on 9 hour road trip, I took lots of protein bars, tuna packets, and my water bottle. At fast food places I would get chicken salads or side salads and add my own tuna. If I wanted snack I would have a bit of the protein bar. I drank lots of water and try to focus on my goals not what everyone else was doing. I always thought it would be weird eating something different than the group but nobody cared and I had a great weekend, even lost weight! I've learned there will always be events coming up and I'm tired of letting them get the best of me. You can do it because you are in charge!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    At one point, my health was more important than the menu. I started to ask the server for no grease, no salt, asked the cook to be creative with spices other than salt.

    We have to do these things in life, vacations and trips and business dinners, what we do not have to do is what we have done in the past. We can make new choices.

    My BFF has been thin all the time I have known her. Her genetics are NOT thin-female family members are 100-200 over weight. I noticed she eats constantly and started paying attn to what she eats.

    Fruit, veggies, processed stuff. We go to dinner and she has grilled fish with xtra lemon, steamed veggies, clear soups, salads no dressing.

    She doesnt talk about it, never discussed it with is who SHE is!.

    Ok so now no one questions my choices when we go out, because this IS who I AM.

    It did take some time, and some getting used to it. When we went to TN for vacation I was terrified! I am the cheeto queen on road trips. We had a cooler, went to the grocery store and loaded up a lf cheese sticks, almonds, water bottles, fruit, triscuits, cottage cheese....and then I made my DH promise he wouldnt take me out to dinner! We had a ball and I LOST wt on our vacation!!

    Choices, one at a time!!! You can so DO THIS!!:drinker:
  • firewalking
    firewalking Posts: 335 Member
    Can you eat before you go?
  • MollysMom2005
    MollysMom2005 Posts: 58 Member
    I completely know where you're coming from. Weekends are the hardest time for me, especially if I am away from home. I try to keep it all in perspective....this is not a diet, this is a new way of life, which means making better choices without depriving myself of good food. By watching portion sizes and making small changes (skipping the bread at a restaurant, choosing the veggies instead of the potato, asking for all "add-ons" on the side) the weekends don't end up being weight loss disasters. Also, I exercise everyday, including the weekends (sometimes alittle more on the weekends if I know I eat more.) I work way too hard during the week to completely blow it on it the weekends. But, I also work way too hard during the week to not ENJOY my weekend.

    And speaking of the weekend.......IT'S THE WEEKEND!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!

    Hope you have a great one!
  • michelleac
    First of all I think you are very fortunate to have all of these opportunities...oh how i would love to spend so much time with friends & retreats & oh i would do anything for a vacation!!! Going out to dinner??? What is that? With a big family to provide for, lots of graduate studies, work & oh so much...and trying to deal with eating well on top of it can be difficult in any situation...even when stuck at home for the most part.

    Its all about limitation though. And MODERATION. Eating the stuff on the menu isnt as bad when you opt for the healthier deals & eat only half of it. Ask for a box right away & choose what you will eat right then. Eat a salad first. Or even just eat a small house salad & a cup of soup. Sure it is not as exciting as the rest of the stuff, but what is most important? Your health or going over board. My issue right now with staying at home is that we have had to file for bankruptcy, because my husband has no work & we literally cannot afford hardly any food right now let alone the things that are good for us. We have so many carbohydrates on the menu right now & canned goods, frozen...all the cheap stuff. nothing fresh.

    i just realized today though, that i am finally eating small portioned meals on a regular basis & i have been fighting to do that for...forever. I would say a good 6 months to a year has been truly dedicated to it it takes a lot of time & determinationt to finally establish these good habits...stick to it. I realized this week that even though I have not eaten the healthiest, because of the money situation...we have had things like spaghetti, hot dogs, hamburgers, meals...with not lots of the good stuff...but because i have stayed within calorie means here on my fitnesspal & eaten appropriate portions, I still managed to lose 5 pounds!!! I have not lost this much since a year and ahalf ago when i last really tried. so it can be done. it can! i have also made sure i have walked every day at least 20 minutes. more if time permitted & if i felt up to it. so you can do it.

    yesterday i had been in a seminar all day & we had a little sack lunch provided. i ate the veggie wrap choice, chose water over soda & did not touch the cookie or chips. there was an apple, but i already had one earlier. then instead of sitting chatting, two of us took off walking the halls & stairs for 20 minutes. it was extremely difficult, let me tell you. i wanted that cookie so badly the rest of that day. i could not stop thinking about it. but that walk & chewing gum during the rest of the day helped to curb it. so last night when i ate an appropriate portion for dinner too...i did end up eating the cookie. what a huge reward that was.

    it is diffucult. but just never give up. never. i have been struggling for years. i only have about 20-35 pounds to shed, which is actually not much, but a ton to me, but no matter what the is not an easy thing.
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    I focus by looking at one day at a time so it isn't so overwhelming. I try (but am not always successful) to cut my portions roughly in half and then eat slowly. More times than not I find I'm full by the time I finish.

    I'm on a diet right now that has me eating every two and a half or three hours. I've found this works well as when I got out I can take a small something to munch on and it helps keep me on track. I also allow myself a cheat day each week and as long as I keep the portions down it doesn't seem to throw me off too much.

    Walking as much as often as you can is good to keep your metabolism up.

    Keep us up to date. :smile:
  • Dlhigh
    Dlhigh Posts: 72 Member
    I've learned alot this first month. It's all bout making choices. I have learned that YES!! I can go out and eat at a restaurant. It's a lot easier if you know ahead of time where you are going so that you can do a little homework and plan ahead.

    But if you just end up at a random eatery here's what I have learned!

    1) Don't order any fried. Look for broiled entrees.

    2) Ask the server if you can substitute. Most will accomodate. Then replace the white food on the menu ( potatoes, rice, etc. ) with another vegetable.

    3) Have a glass of water in front of you to drink while waiting for your meal.

    4) Stay away from the salads. The initial thought is that they should be good for you. But they are so smothered with things heavy in calories that many restaurant salad are loaded with 800+ calories.

    Hope these ideas help you. The have helped me a bunch. Don't feel guilty about going out and enjoying yourself
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    It's really important to learn to eat "in the real world." Even if you have no control over your menu, you do have control over which parts you choose to eat and the portion sizes.

    We eat out a lot and I've learned to check out the menu and nutrition information before I go. I have a good feel for what I can eat in many restaurants, and sometimes I even carry my own salad dressing if I can't find calorie information for theirs.

    In *all* instances, I bring home half of my meal to save for later. If it's especially sinful or nothing but an appetizer, I only eat a few bites.