

  • Sorr to be so MIA! Goal weight on April 30th: 108 04/01: 117 04/08: 116.8 04/15: 116.2 04/22: 04/30: 108 I might be very out of touch with... something more realistic maybe 112 if I eat right and kick my butt the next two weeks!
  • It's probably water weight, so don't worry about it so much. Easy way to get rid of water weight is to drink lots of water and eat foods that are natural diretics: •Asparagus •Brussel Sprouts •Cabbage •Carrots •Cucumbers •Lettuce •Oats •Tomatoes (also aid metabolism) •Watermelon •Watercress ...and try to eat less sodium,…
  • Th chart looks awesome! Thanks so much for doing that! Venting time: Ok so I went grocery shopping for the first time in a LONG time and had a couple of ounces of rotisserie chicken last night with baked asparagus after going running in the park (3mi total, running/walking). Breakfast today (which i never eat) included an…
  • Ok this is just what I need! Started going to bootcamp (T,Th,& F) and we have a 10 wk challenge going on, but that really doesn't help me b/c after I get done working out I go back to bed and then still eat like crap :( Researched my "true" weight via Dukan diet site... I'm about 10lbs heavy which is about right what I…
  • You can definitely tell!!! Congrats!
  • I use to be on my dailyplate by Livestrong.com, which they offer great articles on fitness. I love researching new recipes. One of my favs is CookingLight! Everything that I have made from their magazine is amazing and you can search through all their recipes online. Also, I like looking at vegan websites. My bf is…
  • Good luck and congrats on starting!!! Make a plan and hold yourself accountable by logging it. I'm new too so let me know if you ever need advice or support! :)
  • I'm new to this so I'm not quite sure how this works... but i'm down for any type of motivation/ support system on here! Also, what does "bump" mean? Tara Kaye Age: 25 Height: 5'0" SW = 120.0 CW = 119.4 (loss of 0.6) GW = 108 Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I also use it to replace mayo. I only buy the organic stuff as the oils are actually healthy for you. I haven't tried making it, but everytime I think to, it ends up being more expensive than if I just bought it. I also use it as a dip for veggies or on pita chips as a snack; its better for me than ranch, sour cream type…
  • Thanks so much, yall! I really appreciate it!
  • Good Luck!!! I'm new too! Technically, I have been a member for about 6 months, but only joined b/c of the iphone app and then failed to use it the way I had thought I would. Today's the day that I actually start taking control of the way I live and gaining my life back- as cliche as that sounds. I really do need to hold…