

  • Hello and welcome :flowerforyou: You're right, it is an amazing site - full of amazing people just like us! Good luck! BTW there is only one thing better than chocolate :love: Cheese :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: Mmmmm...Comte served at room temperature - the taste and texture of cheese, the aroma of chocolate :tongue:…
  • Stunning! Well done...Keep us posted on your further success :flowerforyou:
  • Hi, 5 kilometres is just over 3 miles. :smile: (actually it is 3.1 miles)
  • Hello from Nottingham, England... And welcome :flowerforyou: I am a newbie myself on the site (been a member since April 2010) but already have lost pounds and in less than a week will need to decide if I continue and lose a couple more pounds or revise my goals and maintain my weight. This site works!!! I am sure you will…
  • Hi Cameragirl and welcome :flowerforyou: Just want to say that you are right - this site is awesome! I bought the App for my iPhone and did not even visit the site at first (until I had a problem :blushing: ) but now I am a regular and there is so much more here...Including the support of a whole network of other people…
  • Well done choosing the App in the first place!!! There are lots of them out there but I honestly think this is the best. It is sooooo convenient and the food database is growing bigger by the day! I have in the past used the fiddly little books which I either left at home, or in the car, or at the office making it harder…
  • Hi - just a quick post to say hello to everyone out there. Looking forward to becoming a more regular contributor to the forums. From Nottingham, so if there is anyone else out there from Nottingham......A big hello. Good job my iPhone App isn't working today - out at a Tapas bar tonight :tongue: