Katefra Member


  • So, I went to a garage sale and bought an Airwaves Exercise bike. Does anyone have any experience with one of these?
  • I really enjoy hearing how everyone is still using the dvds and the updates you all put on here! I'm going to start using mine again too but I need to ck out her new ones. I haven't bought any for 2 or 3 years.
  • I'd much rather be outside too and I am a lot. I walk 5 to 6 miles a day. But winter is coming soon so I was looking for something I can do inside when it's dark out. I will continue to walk 2 miles at lunch, no matter what the weather.
  • I gained 3 lbs. Some coworkers are doing the Sacred Heart Soup Diet starting Monday, Jan. 6th. Has anyone tried this diet before? I'm not sure I want to participate. I've read both positive and negative reviews so I'm just not sure at this point.
  • That sounds interesting, Is it a lot different than the walk away the pounds dvd?
  • That's great! I plan on using them all winter, along with a treadmill I'm hopefully getting. I really hope I can lose some weight this winter. I've read some reviews for the dvd's and a lot of people liked them and got good results. I thought maybe if I mix it up like do the dvds in the morning and treadmill at night, I…
  • Good morning! I also get up early and drive for 45 minutes to work. I get up at 4:00 to fix lunches etc...At 5:30 if it's not too dark out, I walk for 45 minutes. By then, I'm usually pretty hungry but in a hurry to get out the door for my commute to work. If you like cereal, that is a quick breakfast or instant oatmeal. I…
  • I really love my chiropractor, when I went to him for this problem, I couldn't drive, walk,bend over etc...without severe pain. Shoot, it hurt to move period. After a week I could do much better with all of that. I'm a lot better, I was just wondering when all of the little pains and spasms would go away. As it is, I still…
  • Wow, that is amazing! Great job! I will give it a try and let you know how it's going!
  • Speaking of treadmills, can anyone recommend a good one? We want to spend around $300.00 and usually do our shopping at Wal-Mart. Pretty much all they have to offer is Weslaco or Gold's Gym treadmills. I've read reviews for both and there are good and bad reviews so not much help really. Any advice? thanks in advance! Kate
  • This sounds a lot like Taco soup which my husband even loves! I will try it this winter for sure. The winters here in Illinois get really cold and this sounds like it could hit the spot!