caejde Member


  • I am down a couple pounds. I have been doing the 30 day shred with the wii ea active. So on my rest days for the wii, I would take a rest day for the shred. So, I was working out 2 days, resting one. I have only re-started this a couple weeks now and I'm down right at 2 lbs.
  • Thanks. I usually did it about 4 times a week. Maybe I will try everyday and see how I feel.
  • It's comments like hers that make me feel even worse about myself. I am already very self conscious and insecure with myself--even with my friends, family and especially my husband. I am going to try not to give any validation to what she said and continue to try to be positive and know that I am working on my weight loss.
  • My husband and I are both veteran's. I was a mil spouse while he was deployed though. Also, I was just working at a Marine Corps base as a contractor and I loved being back around the military!
  • I do it at times too. But, instead of stressing over it, just get back on track the very next meal. Also, I think it's important to allow yourself to have a cheat-candy, dinner out, ice cream...whatever. I have found that when I restrict myself too much is when I binge and eat crappy the most. Just try to be a little…
  • I was given phenetermine but it screwed up my blood pressure. I had to go back in one month after taking it and my blood pressure was high--my blood pressure has never been high! So, she was going to let me continue to take it and put me on a water pill for blood pressure. I said no. Went back one month later, after…
  • If it's a restaurant that has their menu and nutrition online, I use that. If not, I try to find something online by searching for what I ate and at least try to estimate.
  • Sugar is naturally found in fruits so cutting out fruits because it has sugar seems a little off to me. I think everything in moderation. I don't feel like you have to cut out everything just because it "may" be bad. Everyone went on this no carb diet but our bodies need carbs. Just have to watch what kind of carbs you eat.
  • We make our own Chicken Fried Rice. Cook the chicken in teriyaki and soy. Also, we make chicken strips using heart healthy bisquick. Montreal Chicken season is really great for baking or grilling. We've grilled the chicken using this seasoning and then cut the chicken up and tossed it in with fresh spinach and other greens…
  • I subscribe to the Kraft magazines. This was in one of their magazines a few seasons ago. We tried it not long after it came in the mail. Was a hit in our house. We have also used venison and turkey in place of the ground beef. We didn't use the ranch dressing either....just a little reduced fat sour cream. And instead of…
  • Items in my freezer: Venison-steaks, roasts French fries Pecans Blueberries, strawberries, peaches Items in fridge: Eggs Milk half & half yogurt sweet tea juice-100% black cherry grape smart balance-50/50 butter spread cheeses-mozzarella, cheddar, provolone, fiesta blend turkey hot dogs pepperoni chicken breasts-boneless,…
  • My husband was on it for tobacco cessation. He stopped taking it after the first week. He was totally zoned out, up every half hour to use the restroom-even during the night, was having weird/crazy dreams that woke him up screaming a couple times, he was hot and then cold. People he worked with commented on how he didnt'…
  • From what I have been told, you want your muscles to get a day of rest. When I had a trainer and was using weight machines, my program was designed so I could use weights everday....just a different set. So for example Monday I would do my cardio and then work upper body, Tuesday would be cardio and then lower body, etc.
  • This is absolutely delicious. We've at this on ciabatta rolls, Jasmine rice, and rice's all good!
  • Today I went shopping and spent 109. Last week I think I spent about 100. Some weeks I can spend 80 and others I can spend 130...just all depends what we need other than food. Back in summer 2008, we went to Save A Lots and stocked up on different canned goods. We spent about 70 bucks and our cabinets still have canned…
  • I've been using the Dancing with the Stars Latin Dance DVD and I love it. I'm sore the next day from it. And I get a good sweat. Doing the whole DVD-which is an hour-I burn a little over 400 calories.
  • I've been good about logging my food and exercising this week. I know it's not going to happen overnight and I'm trying to be very patient-but it can be hard at times. Thanks again for the welcome!
  • Hey everyone. So I joined back in like 2008-October I think. I was doing ok and lost a few lbs but then holidays came and I wasn't strict with my diet. And I haven't been strick with my exercise for a few months. But, this is a new year and I'm working on it and going to do my best to stick to it. I'm probably at my…
  • Wow! Everyone looks great and this is so motivating.
  • We love pizza too and we usually make our own either making a whole wheat crust or just a white crust-just depends. Plus, we make our own sauce as well. And we've also made pizzas out of English muffins. It's fun to make them.
  • I agree with what else was posted about looking at their nutrition info ahead of time, asking not to be cooked with butter, etc. But also, any sauces that come with the meal, get it on the side. And someone had told me before that the whole plate of food is not really one serving but more like 2. So, it was suggested to go…
  • I had lost 15 lbs when we started trying-still wanted to lose another 20-30 before getting pregnant but that just didn't happen. I spoke to the OB because I knew I was still overweight and they said that I would only gain what I needed to. And they were right, I only gained about 17 lbs. With that said, I would speak to…
  • I was interested in doing this...but what is the time limit or is there one? Nothing was mentioned on seeing how many in "x" amount of time so I was just wondering how do I determine that.
  • With my second pregnancy-in 2006-I was overweight by probably 15-20 lbs. I asked my OB's about it at my first visit and they said to continue with the gym and eating healthy and that I would only gain what I needed to gain. I only gained about 17 lbs. So in my opinion, just eat healthy, exercise the way you were before…
  • Hello everyone. My husband and I both joined this site a week or so ago. Still learning my way around here. I'll introduce both of us I guess...since he's not real into message boards. I am 27 and he's 29. We have 2 boys-ages 7 and almost 2. We are both former military. We have just gotten out of shape over the past 4…