Adipex-P....Anyone tried it.

Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
So I went to the doctor today and had a physical today. I am pretty excited that I have lost 20lbs since my last physical last year, at this time...

As I was talking about my weight loss goals, and what I have been struggling with recently... my doctor suggested putting me on Adipex-p which is a generic version of phentermine. I have read some reviews and had a friend that was on it...with great results, but I am pretty excited about it. I really feel like the best part of it is having the extra energy I am needing to exercise everyday.

Has anyone tried or know someone that has tried it? My doctor did go over pros and cons of it and I had an EKG done. So November 1st is my start date.


  • my sister was on it and lost a lot of weight! Then she went off of it and gained all of her weight back plus more so the doc put her back on it and it didn't work the second time. I wish you the best.. Oh, make sure they keep an eye on your liver function and sugar as with taking anything...
  • my sister was on it and lost a lot of weight! Then she went off of it and gained all of her weight back plus more so the doc put her back on it and it didn't work the second time. I wish you the best.. Oh, make sure they keep an eye on your liver function and sugar as with taking anything...
  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    Ditto... I went from 140 to 110 and back to 140 as soon as I was off of it. In addition, it really screwed up my leptin and grehlin processes (appetite hormones) so once I was off of it I couldn't control my cravings. It took 4 years to get everything working like it was supposed to again.
  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    As far as liver function goes... like the last post said... your doctor should be putting you on nystatin if they know what they are doing.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'd suggest you try MFP first. It is 100% safe, effective, and long-lasting!!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    The plan is to make monthly appointments to do blood work and monitor BP, heart, liver and all of those things, as she will not refill prescriptions without this being done.
  • I started Phen/Adipex about last Thursday, I just got on the scale and I've lost 3 pounds already. I haven't been able to work out much because I have two children and work full time. I just signed my family up for the YMCA so I should see even greater results in the up and coming todays. My side effects are dry mouth ... nothing else other than that at this time.
  • Hey great job on the 20lbs! My experience with phentermine has been good. I have been on it for 3 weeks. In my case, it's worked miracles in helping me eat smaller portions. I've noticed I'm satisfied sooner, and I seem to have more control over cravings. I haven't lost more weight per week on it than when I wasn't taking it, but it sure seems to make each day a little easier. I definitely don't feel as hungry as I did which is a huge bonus. What I eat and how much hasn't changed on the phen; I'm restricting calories, etc., but the phen really makes it feel a lot easier! So good luck, and I'd love to know how you do on it. I'm on 30mg/ day.
  • That's what I take and I find it is hard to eat my calories, but I am trying. I have taken it 12 years ago, lost 70 lbs. but I got pregnant and well there went the waist line again. But, I think as long as u realize after u get off of any weight loss medicine that u still are responsible with what u put in ur mouth. I don't plan on being on this med forever, I have to relearn how to eat, that's y I am on here being educated and learning healthier ways to eat. I have lost my 26 lbs. since Sept. 09,2010 on this medication. But, the dry mouth does get annoying! Keep a food journal learn about ur food and listen to YOUR body and it will scream at u if its not good for u, and don't ignore it. Good luck!
  • caejde
    caejde Posts: 29 Member
    I was given phenetermine but it screwed up my blood pressure. I had to go back in one month after taking it and my blood pressure was high--my blood pressure has never been high! So, she was going to let me continue to take it and put me on a water pill for blood pressure. I said no. Went back one month later, after stopping it, and my blood pressure was high still. She then prescribed me the water pill but I have yet to take it because I keep track of my blood pressure and it's never high like she says. Years ago, I also took it and dropped about 10 lbs pretty quick but as soon as I stopped taking it, that weight came back. To me, it's not worth taking it because of the risks when you can eat smaller portions all on your own without needing a pill.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    I've not taken it, but a good friend has. It has been nothing short of a nightmare for her and she regrets ever taking it.
    If you are capable of losing weight on your own (congrats on your loss), learning how to balance meals & portion foods stick with it because that is how you will live the rest of your life. Unless, you're planning on taking this pill for the rest of your life.
    Slow & steady losses, coupled with healthy choices, adequate sleep and exercise is a sustainable way to live, in my opinion.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Just curious, have your struggles been weight loss related? If so, a pill isn't going to help you find your motivation or make better choices. Though, I come from an "au naturel ", purist diet place.

    You'll have more energy for workouts if you eat balanced meals, get enough sleep and are well hydrated.
  • I am taking Adipex now and it has really helped me. But I will say that in no way shape or form would I have lost the weight and inches I have without MFP or exercise. I have been on Adipex before years ago...stopped taking it and I did gain my weight back(it wasn't right away) but I also stopped exercising and stopped being accountable for what I put in my mouth. But I will also say that when I was taking the Adipex the first time I didn't watch what I ate either. And instead of being weaned off the medicine I just quit taking it which is something you aren't supposed to do. My sister took it years and years ago and lost a ton of weight with it and managed to keep it off for over a year and then some things happened and she went through a depression which had her put back on the weight which would have happened anyway whether she had been on the pills or not.

    I started taking them again this time to help me lose the weight as I was the heaviest I have ever been. The pills have helped but this website has helped even more. Losing weight and staying healthy is a lifestyle change. So even if you take the pills to help you lose another 20 pounds and then wean yourself off of them you still need to stay accountable for what you put in your mouth and how much exercise you do. I have lost 30 pounds total so far with the help of the pills and with MFP. I have 30 more pounds to go and I am due for another prescription of pills but am going to ask my dr. about weaning myself off of them. I got the little jumpstart I wanted and now it is time to go at it alone...which thanks to this website will not be difficult!
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