

  • GOOD MORNING SISTERS!! I am on Day 4 and 5 of P90X. I didn't do it last night because it was the first day this week that I made it home and it wasn't raining so I seized the oppurtunity and got behind the jogger and took my son on a 5k. IT WAS AMAZING! I hadn't put my feet tto the pavement in over a week and a half and…
  • THANK YOU... Looks like you are a juicer as well? I gotta try that recipe of mango,lime and hot sauce. I am a boring juicer. i stick to citrus mixed with strawberries or carrots. I haven't done anything wild yet.
  • Thank you for the support. Ididn't buy the program, I actually borrowed it from an unmotivated friend. LOL he has had it since I was pregnant and I told him if he didn't use it and see some results by the time I had my son then I was going to borrow it from him when I was able to work out again. WELLL he is still not…
  • Thanks ladies. I am sticking to the P90X program I know I will get my result! BRING IT!!!!
  • I was looking at that one too and dediced that some things are worth the investment especially since fitness is a life change and not just something temporary. I think I may have to make my choice between the F4 and the F6 which are about a 25 dollar difference so overall that is not that bad.
  • That is the one I just posted about. I think I am going to get that one.
  • I think I am leaning towards the Polar F4 blue heart rate
  • I am still in the 1st week of P90X and have not used a heart monitor but NEED to so I am going to get one this morning along with some new bands and free weights. I am goind to a sporting goods store so should have a great variety. What are some good heart monitors that don't cost an arm and aleg. 60 bucks or less.
  • I am currently 6 months PP (post partum) from my first baby. I do tons of cardio and am currently doing the P90X. I have established good eating habits with my cheats here and there but ultimately am eating really well. I gained 50 pounds:mad: pregnant and have lost 36 of them and as my body shape is getting back to normal…
  • Good afternoon SISTERS! I really like that I come here and just post to some women about working out. Nothing particular just sort of random rumbles. Last night I completed Day 3 of P90X Lean and I have to tell you that I feel amazing. I truly feel good about this program and am committed to sticking to it. It is the first…
  • Good afternon ladies, Well last night I was POOPED almost too pooped to work out but I pressed through and pushed play on my P90X any ways. I worked out at 930 at night which I did not want to do but I had to do it. I try not to start my work out unitl my son (6 months) is sleep. Normally he goes to sleep around 630-730…
  • I feel ya but I don't think you will get the same results. Her program triggers different muscles because it is centered around kick boxing. I think she throws in the dancing to increase the cardio aspect as well as hyping it up some. TJ sculps you where I think dancing would just burn. Either way I know you will get a…
  • Hey ladies I am new to the boards and just found this thread. May I please join the group?
  • LOL. I think it's great but you have to be a special type of person to like it. Chalene is not for everyone. She is like a cheerleader on crack that drinks too much coffee and doesn't eat enough food either LOL. But if you are motivated and like aerobic style fast pace dancing centered around kick boxing then you will love…
  • Welcome to MFP and Ihope that you find success here. So far this has been a great tool for me. I agree with you on not realizing how many calories I was actually intaking. I thought i was doing good until I actually started logging what I was eating and I was blown away. Most of the times I had ate almost all of my…
  • Thank you for the welcome. I see that you have scripture under your ticker which is always good to see. I just wrote a blog that you may like. When you can check it out. Thanks again.
  • WELCOME and I hope that you find all of the support and encouragment you need from this site. STAY MOTIVATED and work hard. You can do it. Best wishes!
  • WELCOME and best wishes!
  • GTOgirl: Thanks for the welcome. I am really excited about these boards.
  • WHOO HOO Turbo Jammers. I am so excited to see a thread for this work out series. I LOVE TURBO JAM and all my friends think I am crazy to like Chalene. I love Turbo Jam and Chalene's energy is one of the best things about it. Last night I did the Turbo Jam Fat Blaster (30 minute routine) along with my Day 1 week 1 of P90X…
  • This is a great site and I hope that you get the best useout of it. I have been a memeber ince last year and I JUST found the community. LOL. such a great tool to be able to meet other people who have similar goals for encourgment and supprt. Best wishes to you.
    in New User Comment by jrs_lovely1 May 2009
  • Hey everyone. I must be a dork because I have been a member of MFP since October 2008 when my son was born and just NOW found the community:ohwell: . LOL I know it was a short bus moment. Now that I found this place I am even more excited about this site. I have always loved this site, tracking my food consumption, work…
  • :laugh: All I want to lose is 1 chin! I am right with you. SWEAT SWEAT and more SWEAT to burn fat is the only way to get rid of it. Work out and eat right and your body will burn excess stored fat to include in your face and even more particular...the dreaded double (and sometimes triple) chin! Best wishes!