

  • "I spend all day chasing after the kids, I don't NEED to go to a gym." ~ I drive almost 2 hours a day between schools/activities/etc... When I was home, I was too tired to get off of the couch. Luckily, I found a gym with childcare and, if they are feeling clingy, they can sit beside me while I work out.
  • If I'm just washing dishes or folding laundry, no I don't consider it exercise. If I'm mopping, scrubbing, doing laundry (in a 2 storey house so running up and down stairs), moving heavier items...yes, I definitely consider it exercise because my HR is up and I'm sweating. If I am going to log it as exercise time I make…
  • I have mine at 1890 calories and I almost always stay under. I would aim for 1800-2000..especially since your baby is still brand new and you shouldn't be doing anything more than gentle walks.
  • I just added it into my daily calories.
  • I eat eggs for lunch and sprouted grain bread. The kids love having grilled cheese (with real cheese) and an assortment of veggies with dip. Or we have leftovers from the night before.
  • I might be the odd one out here but I would try to work out again. I've been so sore that I couldn't sit on the couch without pain but doing another work out eased the pain.
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