

  • Remember, if you have an android or iphone, to get the app. It really helps and saves alot of time when out on the road.
  • I just keep reminding myself what I want out of life. (to be health, look good, able to be active) I posted a note on my wall that says 'Make your change now" and I see it every morning to remind myself that I want to change. Not just my weight, but how I think about life, how I eat and how active I am. Keep coming back,…
  • Because of your injury I would suggest what ever work out you do that you consult your doctor about it first, Also take it slow, no need to go all wild man right out of the gate. Maybe some light weights, some cardio, and get up from your desk once and a while and walk around, use stairs rather then elevator.
  • Are you also eating snacks during the day? 1 thing I do when I get the ugre to graze is to login here and see how hard i'm working. But other then that I try to snack on something healthy like carrots or hard boiled egg white (which I keep on hand in the refer) I also drink alot of water.
  • Wow I was thinking it was just me, my toes get like that after about 20 minutes or so.
  • Thats a good idea, I'm going to have a cup of fresh blueberries and see how that works for me. Thanks for all the advice.