

  • Hi Stacy! I totally understand how you feel. I too am 42, have health problems(diabetic, depressed, arthritis in right knee, hip and back and chronic headaches) so food has always been my go to for comfort. I would like to be your support buddy if you would like one? While I am not really so new here, I kind of am for the…
  • Hi, This is Melanie aka Mama Mel. I was pretty faithful on here at the beginning of last year(2012) and logged on every day, clocked my food and exercise and even managed to lose 27 lbs in 6 months(all quitting smoking at the same time!). But then I left my husband and things got a little emotionally messed up for awhile.…
  • Dude! That is amazing! You look super. Such an awesome accomplishment. You should be so proud. I am going to head on over to your blog right now. Thanks for the inspiration.
  • Excellent milestone and accomplishment! You truly are an inspiration. You look excellent and much healthier while beaming with self confidence I bet you didn't feel so full of before. It is an empowering feeling achieving such accomplishments as this because you can then know for a fact that you are capable of so much more…
  • I agree! Gorgeous, and you both look so happy! Good luck on your future.
  • I can certainly understand where you are coming from. I have a 3 year old and 5 year old who don't know the meaning of the word "sit". But it is true, everything you do adds up. Have to bend over and pick up those toys, have to vaccuum or sweep up those cheerios, have to scrub off the crayon on the wall? Trust me, it all…
  • I thank you as well for the share. We all need to read things like that to remind us of just how cruel and shallow people can be and how society really is. Is it a wonder so many people have eating disorders? I am not surprised at all. I think I too want to stay a fat person inside if it means that I remain kind to all and…
  • I agree too, you are doing great! It is hard though when you seem to hit a plateau. But now you have re-focused and are ready to get it going on again. Keep it up, you are an inspiration to many of us.
  • Nice going! Looking sexy! You are starting to look so much more vibrant and healthy that is radiates off of you. You can tell that you are enjoying your new life and outlook. Keep up the good work and who knows how many new dresses or goodies your hubby will buy for ya. lol
  • way to go! You do look great! Inspiration for those of us who fall closely behind you. Thanks for the post to help us stay on track and realize just how good and healthy we can look once we take care of ourselves.
  • yes, I love swimming too and it is an excellent work out. When I do it, I can really feel the workout I had the next day although while I was doing it I would not feel out of breath or fatigued I have a physical disability where one leg is 3 inches shorter than my other one and I have arthritis in my hip and knee due to…
  • lol. I just went looking to add some members to my friend's list too as I am relatively new and looked at everybody and didn't know where to start. So, coming across this thread is great! I think I will take the time to add all of you too if you don't mind and then I can feel popular. lol This is a tough one. I am…
  • like everyone else has said, you look amazing. You are so cute and full of life in your new photos and the picture of what healthy should look like. I am hoping to find a little more youth back too once I lose my weight. I have been more than 60 pounds overweight for most of my adult life and am getting really tired of it.…
  • Have you had your thyroid checked recently? I just had mine done since my sister found out last year she had a problem with hers and low and behold, I have an issue with mine as well. Sometimes also it can be any medications you are on. I was put on new diabetes medication last September and was getting really discouraged…
  • I am truly inspired by your story. I have recently been finding success myself after dealing with yo yo dieting and diabetes medications that put weight on me instead of helping me to get it off. I have now just been diagnosed with a thyroid problem too(under-active I believe) and am going for new medication next week. so…