nanzk Member


  • :bigsmile: DID IT!! just finished W5D3
  • [/quote]You are waaaayyy ahead of me - I've never been a runner. (I guess at some point, I'll have to stop saying that....) - The 8 minute segments from day 2 this morning were the longest I've ever jogged in my ENTIRE life. day 3 is a little scary. [/quote] I have never run before either, but when I started this I started…
  • I'm getting ready to do W5D3 in a few minutes, I repeated W5D1 because on the first try I didn't run the second interval straight through, probably mental though, because on the second attempt I had no problem. D2 no problem, but I actually should have done D3 yesterday and I put it off. After reading your posts I'm not AS…
  • Starting weight for September 218 This week's weigh in 218 Your goal for September 210 Total Loss so far in September 0 How you are doing on your personal goal My goal is to get 8 hours sleep every night, so far not so good. But we just passed the last holiday for a while so as long as we have a normal schedule I should be…
  • Hi everyone, sw: 218 lbs gw: 210 lbs personal goal: get 8 hours sleep every night