September Weight Loss Challenge (CLOSED)



  • lolomichelle13
    lolomichelle13 Posts: 56 Member
    Starting weight for September: 165
    This week's weigh in: Thursday, September 8
    Your goal for September: 160
    Total Loss so far in September: TBD :)
    How you are doing on your personal goal? So far so good! I've been drinking a LOT more water, having gotten two 4.4 + mile roller blading sessions in and for a holiday weekend did very good with my calories. I'd say I am on track to meet my goal, if not hopefully pass it!

    Good luck everyone! Keep it up!
  • linbaby4
    linbaby4 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi everyone! :D

    Starting weight for September - 148 lbs
    This week's weigh in - 147 lbs
    Your goal for September - 142-140 lbs
    Total Loss so far in September - 1 lb
    How you are doing on your personal goal- I have continued packing my lunch & not binging on junk food. I have yet to start my daily walks but I just found my dogs leash so I will start. I am about 14 days from completing 30 day shred.
    Any comments you'd like to make - Good luck everyone :D
  • nanzk
    nanzk Posts: 5 Member
    Starting weight for September 218
    This week's weigh in 218
    Your goal for September 210
    Total Loss so far in September 0
    How you are doing on your personal goal My goal is to get 8 hours sleep every night, so far not so good. But we just passed the last holiday for a while so as long as we have a normal schedule I should be able to get this done!!!
    Any comments you'd like to make Today we had the final family cookout for the year which completely derails my eating. Here's to concentration and focus from now til Thanksgiving :)
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    My Starting Weight as of August 28 was 211.5

    This week's weigh in 210.4

    Goal for September: 200

    Total Loss so far in September was 1.1 lbs

    How you are doing on your personal goal was to start including strength training 2-3 times a week. I did Jillian Michael's 30 day shred twice last week. My arms and my obliques hurt, but it felt good.

    My eating has been off this weekend, so I need to get back on track. I did run a 5k today, so I needed a little extra protein. Forcing myself off the scale, so hope I'm on track.

  • Starting weight for September 240(September 1st)
    This week's weigh in: 240
    Your goal for September: 230
    Total Loss so far in September: 0
    How you are doing on your personal goal? ive cut back on my smoking, and walkign more :)
    any comments you would like to make : Yesterday was my 21st birthday, biggest birthday after 19 legal drinking age , so i indulged , the weekend was all about me and i loved it, it hurt the ego but was great, now its 100% back on track in the Am!
  • Hauteslimdown
    Hauteslimdown Posts: 32 Member
    :blushing: September is my favorite month!!

    Starting Weight 9/1/2011 : 239 lbs

    Weigh In 9/5/2011 (My birthday :flowerforyou: ) 234 lbs

    Goal Weight : 220 lbs

    Exercise: I'm trying to burn 5000 calories a week w/ elliptical and Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    Hi every1 I just love these challenges bc they help to keep me focus. I have been pretty good doing the right thing but lately I am kinda distracted bc of my new family addition, graduation & trying to focus on taking the boards... so I'm under alot of stress.
    Start W8 - 188
    My goal for September - To start back the 17 day diet & continue to workout 6-7 days a week
    I will start my personal goal today 9/6 and I hope to lose at least 5lbs by the end of september:bigsmile:

    u guys can send me friend request if u'd like... lets do it together
  • jppizana
    jppizana Posts: 59 Member
    Starting weight for September : 146.6
    This week's weigh in : 146.8
    Your goal for September : 140
    Total Loss so far in September
    How you are doing on your personal goal : not so well right now. I have contracted a sinus infection and am attempting to kick it with high doses of Vitamin C and E
    Any comments you'd like to make : I really need to pay attention to what I eat and not “reward” myself with treats just because I did a good work out

    Good Luck to Everyone!
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Starting weight: 236lbs
    This weeks weigh in: 236.4lbs
    Goal for Sept: 230lbs
    Loss: 0.4 gain
    Personal goal: Have been eating homemade meals and exercising consistently min 5x a week as planned.
    Comments: Realised I've been starving my body by not eating enough as I've not been eating my exercise calories back and been under 1200net daily.
    This is another goal to concentrate on this month.

    Good luck to all.
  • Kimkimba
    Kimkimba Posts: 173 Member
    Starting weight for September: 198
    This week's weigh in: 198
    Your goal for September: 188
    Total Loss so far in September: 0
    How you are doing on your personal goal: So far, not good, but the kids started back to school today so I'm hoping to get in a better routine for myself.
    Any comments you'd like to make: Good luck to everyone! One day at a time!
  • Starting Weight for September: 223.2
    This week's weight: 223.2
    Goal Weight for September: 215
    Total Loss: 0
    Personal Goal: So far I haven't been on top of my game as far as working out which I know hindered my weight loss this week. I plan on buckling down and really getting down to business starting today!
    Comments: I just bought a TON of veggies and healthy foods so I know this will help and hopefully I will see a difference next week. Good luck everyone! We can do this!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I weighed in on Saturday!

    Starting weight for September: 146.6
    This week's weigh in: 145.8 (-.8)
    Your goal for September: 142.6 (down 4 pounds!)
    Total Loss so far in September: .8
    How you are doing on your personal goal: I'm doing pretty well on my goals this month!
    Any comments you'd like to make: I have made my diary private because I was getting too self-concious about others commenting on what I ate (or didn't eat). I plan to get back to counting calories for the remainder of this month, and to try to stick to a net calorie goal of 1310-1530 (1 pound a week goal to half pound a week goal).
  • gdneff
    gdneff Posts: 279 Member
    Starting weight for September - 247.6 (8/29)
    This week's weigh in - 245.8
    Your goal for September - 240
    Total Loss so far in September - 1.8
  • sherismb
    sherismb Posts: 120 Member
    Starting weight for September 197.1
    This week's weigh in 196.4 ( I only weigh in on Thursdays)
    Your goal for September 190
    Total Loss so far in September .7
    How you are doing on your personal goal- To stay motivated and exercise, I'm doing pretty well, just need to stay focused.
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    Starting weight for September: 169.6
    This week's weigh in: 169.6
    Your goal for September: 159
    Total loss so far: 0
    How are you doing on your personal goals: The past few days I haven't been drinking enough water, but I have completed 9.7 miles so far. I also plan to do another day of C25K either today or tomorrow.
  • skinnyjeans1224
    skinnyjeans1224 Posts: 76 Member
    SW: 169 9/1
    GW 160
    This week 9/5 169

    Keep pushing through P90X so I'll be ready for P90X2 come January. (6 days of workouts)
    Water, water, water
    Clean eating
  • mondayschildeats
    mondayschildeats Posts: 20 Member
    Starting weight for September: 181lbs
    This week's weigh in: 180lb
    Your goal for September: 175lb
    Total Loss so far in September: 1lb
    How you are doing on your personal goal: Aiming to stay within calorie allowance of 1400. Exercising 2-3 times a week doing either Old school Reebok Step, Zumba or 30 Day between have been doing 100 sit ups a day. To consume at least a 1L of water per day. This is the general plan. Now that group is in swing will follow this.
    Any comments you'd like to make:
    I really struggle in the week coming up to my TOM and sometimes during TOM. I have a devil may care attitude and just want lots of bad things. So will make a conscious effort to eat well.
    I also need to take my thyroxine EVERYDAY...have been a bit rebellious with will definately take that daily.
    Take multivitamin daily.
    Stay away from ALL sweets....these are a weakness & are just no good for me whatsoever...

    Feel free to add me

    Good luck guys :smile:
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,130 Member
    Starting weight for September: 218
    This week's weigh in: 218
    Your goal for September: 210
    Total Loss so far in September: 0
    How you are doing on your personal goal: just the walking to and from school is helping alot, now i have my computer back i am getting back with other groups and mini challenges i do here
    Any comments you'd like to make: great group, hope everyone has a great september!
  • acarter86
    acarter86 Posts: 34 Member
    Starting weight for September - 160.2
    This week's weigh in -162.1
    Your goal for September - Changed my goal a little. Its now to weigh 155
    Total Loss so far in September - none so far
    How you are doing on your personal goal - I am doing very well eating healthier and exercising more :)
  • sbs61181
    sbs61181 Posts: 7 Member
    Starting weight for September: 259 (8/28)
    This week's weigh in: 258 (9/5)
    Your goal for September: 250
    Total Loss so far in September: 1 lb.
    How you are doing on your personal goal: