September Weight Loss Challenge (Open)



  • Eww, count me in!!!

    Starting Weight: 167.5
    Goal Weight: 160
    My Challenge: 1) Be under my calorie goal every day.
    2) Eat breakfast every morning.
    3) Two days of Lifetime Fitness and two days of working out at home each week.
  • restarting my journey and new to MFP...what better way than a challenge to get the ball rolling! need the support :)
    SW (31/8): 143
    GW by Oct 1st: 134 (Steep but i'm currently carrying a lot of water we'll see!)
    Personal Goals: Get back into exercising 5 days a week, complete the 30 day shred, and drink more water!
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi All, Great challenge,

    SW 246
    GW for September 239 (7lbs in a month)

    Personal Goal 1) Burn 10,000 exercise calories in September, 2) Really improving after gym and evening eating 3) Wake up earlier to build in some morning exercise 4) Stay the same on my and my sons birthday weeks (21st 28th) - Don't go mental!

    My weigh day is Thursdays
  • Hauteslimdown
    Hauteslimdown Posts: 32 Member
    Love the challenge!!
    Im In :heart:

    sw: 236 lbs (8/31/2011)
    gw for september: 220 lbs

    Goals: Burn 4000-5000 calories a week
    Stick with Jiliian Michaels 30 Day Shred
    Stay under my calorie goal per day

    Good Luck Everyone :happy:
  • gailduncan
    gailduncan Posts: 35 Member
    Count me in, my 1st challenge!

    SW (As of today) 151 lbs
    GW (by Oct 1) 143 lbs

    Goals: Be able to run 5k. Cycle to work at least once a week. Drink more water and less booze.
  • Sw:203
    Challenge: exercise 7 days a week for 30-45 :-)
  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Everyone and thank you in advance for your encouragement and motivation :happy:

    Starting Weight 08/30/11 - 261.9
    September Goal - 251.
    Challenge - No eating after 7 PM
  • kiwilan
    kiwilan Posts: 90 Member
    I'd love to join!

    SW - 168
    GW - 160

    Didn't do too well in the August challenge so would love to give this one a go!

    Goals - Finish off Jillians 30DS, Start C25K again and do yoga and walking :)
  • nagoob
    nagoob Posts: 1
    Count me in!! I haven't done one of these before but I need any motivation I can get!

    SW 250.8 pounds
    GW 242
    Goal- Go to the gym/do a class 4-5 times a week
  • Hello Everyone 1st challenge

    Starting Weight 08/30/11 - 177
    October Goal - 165
    Challenge - exercise 60 minutes 4 days a week
  • nanzk
    nanzk Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone,

    sw: 218 lbs
    gw: 210 lbs
    personal goal: get 8 hours sleep every night
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    I'm loving all the personal goals this month!
  • MoDear
    MoDear Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in!!

    Starting weight for September : 170.00
    Personal goal for September : 165.00
    Personal self-challenge for September : Meditate for at least 5 minutes 5 days a week.
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    Starting Weight: 135lb
    Goal Weight for September: 125lb
    Personal self-challenge: Make it to the gym every morning 5 days a week and no more alcohol.

  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Starting Weight: 200.4
    Goal for September: 190
    Self-Challenge: Do 30 Day Shred every day, twice a day, for the full 30 days
    Self-Challenge: Burn 5,000 calories a week, for each week of September
  • Mis13crawford
    Mis13crawford Posts: 10 Member
    Im in also!
    SW 130.5 as of 8/29/11
    GW 125.0
    Personal Self Challenge: Weight once a week. Get the water intake up!
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I would like to join!

    SW (as of 8/31/11): 169.6
    GW: 159
    Personal Self Challenge: Keep up to date on C25K, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, walk/run/cycle 50 miles in September.

    Let the games begin! :drinker:
  • karen92
    karen92 Posts: 6 Member
    I'll try this ! I need some motivation :)

    SW 31 August 2011 : 140lb

    GW 30 September 2011 : 133-130lb

    Challenge: No junk food & exercise 5-6 times a week :smile:
  • gmzbluhm
    gmzbluhm Posts: 43 Member
    I would like to join too!

    SW (as of 8/31/11): 185.4
    Sept GW: 180
    Personal Self Challenge: Work out at least 3 times a week, find healthier meals.
  • Count me IN!!!!!

    SW on August 31 : 214
    GW for end of Sept: 204

    Very agressive, but 2lbs is water weight from the weekend binge (so horrible I know) so I should be a stable 212 in a day or two.

    Challenge, work out 4 times a week, and do a 10- 15 minute Pilates or Yoga video every morning.