

  • I have stretch marks from chest to my thighs thanks to 3 beautiful kids and being active. I wear them now like a badge of honor and show my mommy marks. At one time I used to obsess about how I would never wear a little polka dot bikini or booty shorts ...and then I decided I don't have to. I wear clothes that make me feel…
  • ponytail elastics and staples are a girls best friend. I have also "cheat" tailored...using one or two stitches where there should be many more. It works for the quick fix.
  • My hot-water bottle is my best friend right now. Just started Level 3 day 1. It does get better...you get a good sore instead of an I can't stand up sore. Good luck!!!
    in Oh ouch. Comment by daewynn March 2012
  • certainly want to re-read this. Thanks for posting.
  • I'm on day 8 and I was very sore the first 3 or 4 days. I started adding 15 to 20 mins of Zumba on the Wii with low intensity an hour or two later or just general dancing and making sure I moved my body. I found this helped loosen up my muscles and made the next day not so tough. It also helped me to get more water into me…
  • Same for me. But I want to add I'm loving the way I feel and I'm feeling a lot lighter and healthier than the scale or even the inches say!
  • Thanks for sharing!
  • I"m not normally a poster but I wanted to reply. I started the shred once when I was working at a desk job. I too am a smoker and about 20 pounds over my goal weight. When I first started Jillian totally kicked my but and I spent most of my work out swearing at the TV but pushed through. I made it to day 10. The cardio…