AAthena Member


  • Keeping a large bottle of water nearby at all times has really helped me with my oral fixation and to drink more water :) I also keep the folowing handy: small apples, baby carrots, gensoy chocolate soy crisps, cream brule or chocolate-mint quaker rice cake minis...really, my desk drawer has a large assortment of rice cake…
  • I have a friend who messes with me in a similar way. it may not be the best way to deal with it but I give it back to her (and we are still friends). If she comments on my spinach salad, I comment on the cake she is eating. I also defend myself, not by preaching but by saying how much I love the healthy food. When people…
  • I am a total pear. when I am chubby I am a bit like an hour glass, but as soon as I eat healthy the pear shape sets in and my chest shrinks down. I have lost 20 pounds so far and hoping to loose another 20 or so...and to stay there...hopefully without loosing any more of my chest ;)
  • I started mfp at 160 and was a size 13-15... Much larger than most other ppl reported. I am a major pear shape and usually wear boot cut jeans that sit low on the waist... That may make a difference. I am now 140 and wear a 10 -12...but mainly 12s
  • I absolutly LOVE these and have had success with them previously. There are several variations you can do to target diffeerent areas.
  • Awesome! So happy for you. I can't wait to have a similar success story to share :)
  • I have been stalling on my exercise routine b/c of my 4 month old. Today i went on a brisk walk (with him in a stroller) for the first time. He had a blast. It was adorable watching him get excited at the scenery and i got a small work out. It wasn't as long of a walk as i would do on my own...but every little bit helps.…