

  • everyone can have a bad minute or a bad hour, but if you have a bad day it is your own damn fault.
  • Everything in your life has pain. Every issue or event. You choose whether you want the pain of growing through it or the pain of living with it. In the end, it is your choice
  • feel free to add me, I will help anyway that I can
  • I don't fit the bill, but reach out if you ever need motivation...that is what I am good at :)
  • I went back 5 days on your diary and this is my take. You need more calories (around 1600-1900 is recommended) You need to lower your carbs from processed foods and increase your natural protein. Doing this along with changing up your excer. program regularly is what I would try first to see how things go. Also, make sure…
  • If you add small amounts of weight to your cardio (hand weights or similar) you will burn much higher levels. I know that you said out of the kitchen, but that last layer of belly fat will not leave without huge efforts in the kitchen. Also, you are doing it correctly to strength train one day and cardio the next.
  • Victoria, The most important thing about eating that I have learned is to do a lot of it is smaller amounts. I eat early, late, and every hour or two in-between. Keep snack bags of veggies or other health snacks. the more you munch through the day and night the more you will burn fat. It jacks your metabolism up every time…
  • I just opened my diary for you if it will help. I have a supplement on today's log that I normally don't use, but the previous few days are good examples of normal days for me. The result has been everything that I am hoping for so far.
  • If you are not seeing any negative side effects from natural sugars, don't stress. If you are trying to lose weight and are not getting the results that you want. Shift your balance to be heavy on the veggies and lower on the fruits as the sugars (even natural) will slow fat burn. If you are not trying to thin down at all…
  • I weigh in daily now. Since I started hitting my protein goals, I am losing daily so i find power in weighing in even if it is only a loss of .2 or .3 it is still positive energy to get further.
  • With the mobile app being so easy to use right when you eat, I don't think I will ever stop using. It must be part of your lifestyle. I went it alone for many years and did not end up where I wanted to. So I will log for as long as the site is here.
  • It makes a difference in your overall balance. When you work out, you get everything running faster. This includes your mind. If you workout too late in the day, it effects the quality of sleep that you will get for the first few hours that you go to bed. This adds to the "tired" feeling the next day which makes you not…