Keith3481 Member


  • Today is my 600th day in a row of logging.
  • I've logged over 500 days in a row!
  • I saw results in the mirror after about 20 lbs. What motivates me the most is reaching my goal one step at a time. The scale and the mirror are my benchmarks and they are quite motivating. I'm almost to 500 days so this seems to be working for me. Along the way, I've discovered good tasting foods that fit into my calorie…
  • I take citalopram (Celexa) and I've lost over 40 lbs using MFP to control my CICO. You can lose weight on SSRIs.
  • I prelog and I manage my daily average over the course of a week. That way if I go over one day, I make up for it another day by not eating as much or exercising more. In the iPhone app, pick a day of the week and be consistent. I go with Sunday. Then go to Diary/Nutrition/Week View/Last 7 Days. Manage the net average for…
  • I feel like eating less when it is warmer out and I do less sitting around. Fortunately we had a fairly mild winter here in Tennessee this year so I spent most of my Saturdays and Sundays in January and February riding my bike outside.
  • I'm losing about 1/3 lb/week. I don't have much further to go so I'm trying to lose slowly. In the beginning I was around 1.5 lb/week.
  • I take an SSRI and risperdal. When I first started on them I had extreme hunger and was lethargic, so both sides of the CICO equation got out of balance and I gained weight. Over time my body got used to the meds and I found MFP. Between those two factors, I've been able to lose back down to my original weight. It takes a…
  • Last night I had 5 Ritz crackers with 1 oz of goat cheese and 2 oz of Cabot White Oak Cheddar for a snack. Filled me up and I worked it into my calorie goals.
  • I had bloodwork done this week. My doctor is changing my cholesterol medicine from 20 mg to 10 mg because of how good my numbers are.
  • I passed goal weight today but according to the mirror, I'm not done yet. I am going to reset my goal and keep going down. MFP works, down from 208 lbs to 163 lbs in 14 months.
  • I had bloodwork done two days ago. I got my results today. My cholesterol has improved so much that my doctor is moving me from 20 mg of simvastatin to 10 mg of simvastatin. My goal is to come off it completely.
  • When I first started, I was riding my bike trainer six days a week. For five days I would spend 30 minutes on the bike and on the sixth day I would spend 45 minutes on the bike. I would rest the seventh day. That lasted about eight months. Now I'm on the bike trainer four days a week for 30 minutes each time, but with the…
  • I've been on MFP for several years but I'm just now joining the 40+ club thanks to my birthday. 5'8" SW 208 lbs CW 165 lbs GW 160 lbs (subject to revision) I pretty much eat what I want, just in portion sizes that keep me in a calorie deficit. That means pizza, gyros, burgers, fries, I just watch the calories and I've lost…
  • I had been on an exercise break for about six weeks and decided to get back in the groove on the bike. Ever since restarting my rides, I've gained about 2 lbs. I thought that this might be water weight, since I know I didn't eat 7000 calories above my standard intake. Searching for 'water weight exercise' yielded several…
  • Day #400 in a row of logging
  • Eight pounds in four weeks = 2 lbs/week and that is pretty good progress actually. There will be weeks where you don't lose anything, there will be weeks where the scale tells you that you've given back some of your losses. Just stick with MFP, log everything you consume, and be patient. Weight loss takes months, even…
  • CICO works. I've lost 40 lbs just by making sure I had a healthy deficit over the last year. My strategy is to manage my weekly deficit for the daily calorie average based on the goals MFP gives me. In the MFP iPhone app, it's the screen Nutrition/Week View. I make sure the net calories under weekly goal is close to 0 and…
  • Bought a size small shirt and it fits perfectly.
  • I was able to lose about 30 lbs in the first six months by aiming for the MFP goal of 1.5 lb/week. My actual results were about 1.2 lb/week during that time, which was still good progress. How did I get there? It's all about the deficit. I added 30 minutes/day x 6 days/week of indoor biking on a road bike hooked up to a…
  • I started out with a BMI of 30 and was able to lose 22 lbs in the first four months following a reasonable diet where I didn't starve myself or adopt some ridiculous exercise regimen. That dropped my BMI about 2.5 points, which is significant. I lost at a rate of about a pound and a quarter per week during those first four…
  • I've tracked my weight and waist measurements on a scatterplot as I've gone along. It's more like a curve than a line, losing about 9 lbs per inch off my waist for the first 25 pounds and losing 4 lbs per inch off my waist for the most recent 15 pounds. So I'd say there isn't one number that matches inches to pounds. Who…
  • I have the EatSmart Precision Plus, I've used it for a year now.
  • I'm on 88 mcg of synthroid. I've been able to lose 40 lbs this past year by following MFP. Just log accurately and maintain your deficit and you will lose. Take your synthroid as prescribed and keep your doctor's appointments so they can check your blood to make sure your thyroid level is under control.
  • Zaxby's 5 piece boneless wings and fries meal with a diet Dr. Pepper
  • 365 straight days of logging on MFP. Down from 38s US jeans to 32s US jeans.
  • Sirloin tips are a good choice too. Ribeye and prime rib are the fattiest.
  • I purged my closet of the 34, 36, and 38 US waist jeans I've shrunk out of over the last nine months. I'm now on 32s and I just got a brand new pair.
  • I weighed and rationed out a whole bag of autumn mix candy corn into ziploc bags for enjoyment over the next couple weeks. It fits into my calories in small bursts as opposed to mindlessly munching the whole thing in two sittings.
  • I like the Smithfield cherrywood smoked bacon. It's my favorite.
    in Bacon. Comment by Keith3481 October 2015