Realistic goal?

tatianadiazduque Posts: 5 Member
edited January 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
I am aiming to lose around 35pounds within the next 4 months ( by my 21st birthday!) my BMI is currently 27.5 and my doctor told me it should be around 18.5-24.9. My cholesterol is also very high because it is a hereditary problem I've always had, but due to my recent weight gain it has gotten worse. If it doesn't lower soon I will have to go on medicine for it, which I really want to avoid.

Anywho, is my goal too high for that span of time? I want to do this in a healthy way and if it isn't then I will change my goal accordingly. Thanks guys!


  • Kyrenora
    Kyrenora Posts: 133 Member
    No, not really. That's more than 2lbs a week, which is really not healthy. Even 2lbs a week is not a good goal unless you're very overweight.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Just make your goal "lose 35 pounds" rather than "lose 35 pounds in 4 months." Contrary to what seems to be popular belief, there is no need to put a time limit on losing weight. Aim for a pound a week.
  • Keith3481
    Keith3481 Posts: 91 Member
    I started out with a BMI of 30 and was able to lose 22 lbs in the first four months following a reasonable diet where I didn't starve myself or adopt some ridiculous exercise regimen. That dropped my BMI about 2.5 points, which is significant. I lost at a rate of about a pound and a quarter per week during those first four months. If you could show similar and consistent results in four months and keep going with it, I bet your doctor and your bloodwork would be happy with the progress you've made. Even more important, I bet you'd be happy with that kind of progress. A modest 1 pound per week would drop you by about 17 lbs in that timeframe, which is also a good result.

    Just be patient, the last eight months for me have been very slow. It's taken me about another eight months to get to the 40 lb lost mark. The amount of calories burned in exercise and just by being alive drops with the lowered weight, so weight loss slows down. I'm in the 0.25-0.50 lb/week range right now, grinding out the last 5 or so pounds.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I took 6 months to lose 30. Guideline here is no more than a pound a week. Start at that (a pound a week) and take it where you can. Your BMI is where mine is after that 30 pounds left. 6 months from BMI 31.6 to 27.3 It's going to be harder with the less you have to lose.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Focus on a sustainable plan that you can continue for the long haul and not on the deadline.
  • tatianadiazduque
    tatianadiazduque Posts: 5 Member
    Thank u all! I will definitely change my mentality into focusing on achiveing the goal, not achieving the goal between such a specific and tight time frame.