Seeing Results

How long did you see results.How do you keep motivated. I am on a 77 day streak!!!


  • DeviatedNorm
    DeviatedNorm Posts: 422 Member
    I started at 275lbs and honestly, it took a good 40lbs before I saw results in myself and before folks started making comments.

    If you take frequent pictures of yourself (like in undies in a mirror) it can help prove to yourself that the results are there and you're just ignoring them.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    Immediately after first week. These days, overnight.

    I don't rely on motivation. I do what I like. I like to lose some weight so I am doing what I'm doing. (On other days I like to eat, so I eat). Just happens that wt loss is going faster than wt gain. Best of both worlds. :)
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    I think it depends. I've lost 32 lbs and I haven't really seen any difference at all, although my mother swears my face looks a bit thinner.

    I have pants that I wear to work all the time, and I just noticed recently that they're REALLY big on me... but I honestly can't remember if I bought them this loose because I wanted wiggle room, or if they're legitimately too big for me.
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    As for motivation? Don't rely on motivation, because it's fleeting. Focus instead of determination - give yourself a goal, a promise, and stick to it.

    Reminding myself that I didn't become huge overnight - and that weight loss is going to take quite a while - is what helps me be realistic about it. I also weigh myself a few times a week so I don't freak out if I'm a pound or so heavier than the prior week. With dips and increases, the overall trend is downwards. :smile:
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I am not totally certain if I can SEE results. Since it happens so slowly, I don't really notice things. I guess if I lost 20 pounds of fat in 1 day I would surely see something.

    Feel results? Oh definitely. Running up and down the stairs, things aren't moving around (for a while, it felt like my love handles would rip themselves from my body lol). ALL my pants need a belt now where late last year I was muffin topping.

    I ain't even sure SEEING results are that motivating to me. Feeling them is so much better.
  • Keith3481
    Keith3481 Posts: 91 Member
    I saw results in the mirror after about 20 lbs. What motivates me the most is reaching my goal one step at a time. The scale and the mirror are my benchmarks and they are quite motivating. I'm almost to 500 days so this seems to be working for me. Along the way, I've discovered good tasting foods that fit into my calorie goals so it hasn't been too hard to stay on track.
  • chiptease
    chiptease Posts: 70 Member
    I started seeing results after -15 pounds (mirror selfie comparisons). I started at 180, now I'm at 146 and I'm definitely seeing AND feeling results:
    1. Mile time started at ~10m/mile, now down to 8.5min/mile
    2. Push ups started at ~5, now can perform ~15
    3. Waist measured at 32", now at 27.8"
    4. Finding old pants/clothes that are starting to sag around my waist/hips
    5. Less muffin top (yay!)
    6. Back fat rolls are disappearing (double yay!)

    I'm human. I slip up and binge sometimes. But I find motivation through basking in the progress I've made. I highly encourage tracking your progress (measurements, endurance, strength, etc.) If you rely too much on how you "want to look" you'll get burnt out. I remind myself of who I want to be: healthy, strong, and active.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,756 Member
    Scale showed weight loss immediately. I was a lucky person who had pretty linear weight loss and weight dropped off at about 2 lbs a week. I didn't actually notice this loss visually until about 2 months in (lost about 20 lbs). The next month or so were dramatic, lost the same amount but now it was time for a new wardrobe and everyone noticed.
    For me 6 weeks was needed to really see and notice the weight loss (mirror, how clothes fit etc), about 12 weeks to have a dramatically different look.
    I have actually cycled three years in a row (winter is always a struggle), and this pattern tends to repeat. Every spring I have to ramp up the effort and get my eating in check to undo the damage that our long winter does to me.
    Motivation comes and goes for me. I am either really on, or totally off. Not great. Seems to be seasonal.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I had to use a measuring tape once a week.

    I measured a lot of the circumferences of body and limbs to get an understanding of the results of eating at a deficit.
  • Pickleheadgirl
    Pickleheadgirl Posts: 17 Member
    I take it one hour at a time, I think about the people I am doing this for the most (including myself of course but in my case it includes my husband and my diabetic mother who needs to lose weight) and I read what people say on MFP that inspires me.

    I am not really a very social person but I have finally learned in last few years - this stuff really is easier (losing weight, etc.) when we work on this stuff together (like on MFP!)

    You don't have to worry about the rest of your life. You just have to worry about what you plan to eat/drink/do in the next few minutes.