

  • I know it's so hard to get out of those slumps, but you are looking AMAZING!!! Keep your eye on the prize :) You're doing great sweetie!
  • I am 5'1 and currently weigh about 120 lbs, give or take a couple. I run at a speed of either 6.0 (10-minute mile) or 6.2, and run between 2 1/2 to 4 1/2 miles, depending on the day and how I feel.
  • You're on the right track! I am sorry to hear about your hardships. I lost my dad as well, although it's been over 5 years now since he passed. Still, I know the heartache it brings, and I am an emotional eater as well. This site has been great for keeping me motivated and on track, even when I want to overindulge. As far…
    in new here Comment by greerv72 July 2010
  • Ok, I think I'm understanding now.. So I DO need to be eating more calories then. Shoot- I hope I haven't messed things up for myself too much :( Thanks a lot for your responses!
  • The weighing food thing is a great idea.. Does anyone know where I might be able to find a food scale for a good price? Anyway, you are doing GREAT!! While I only wish to lose 15-20 lbs, it will also take me months and months. I don't let that get me discouraged, because I know what the final result will be if I keep at…
  • Well Penny you're in the right place!! You will love this site, everyone is so supportive. Welcome! :)
    in HI! Comment by greerv72 July 2010
  • WOW - I am sincerely sorry to hear what happened. My condolences to all those who were affected, including you. The most important thing is that you are SAFE! Sometimes life happens and there's nothing you can do about it. It sounds like you did the best you could in a situation like that. If you've lost motivation... take…
  • Have you tried Target? I am in love with their black yoga pants, especially the capri kind--they are very comfortable and come in a variety of styles (form fitting, looser, etc) and lengths. They are especially nice for biking, as you don't have to worry about them hiking up on you. Just a suggestion. Also, I just wear…
  • Thanks everyone, I appreciate it so much!! :)
  • Try doing your shopping after a workout. I've been doing that lately and I've noticed I am less likely to desire unhealthy food choices and much more likely to buy only healthy ones. Not to mention, you can't eat or be tempted by what isn't in your kitchen! :)
    in Argh!!! Comment by greerv72 June 2010
  • If you haven't considered it before, maybe you could give Pilates a try. Pilates focuses strongly on core strength, which includes your back and abdomen. It might take a bit of getting used to if you are new, but the benefits are great. You should look into it! Also, as you had mentioned with Taebo, Cardio Kickboxing is…
  • I'm fairly new to MFP as well, and I absolutely love it! Everyone on this site is so positive and motivating, it really helps me to stay on track.. especially when I start losing focus of my goals. I'm sure you will love it as well. Welcome and good luck! :)
  • Those darn men! I know exactly what you're talking about-my boyfriend rarely works out, eats whatever he wants, and the only time he's really forced to exercise is when he's at drill once a month for the Army. He literally comes back LOOKING more toned and muscular. Meanwhile, I struggle to lose a few lbs, even though I…