Net Calories Consumed ?

So, I have been very adamant about making sure I consume more than 1200 calories each day, as I know that consuming less can curb my weight loss. Still, I don't consume much more than 1200 on most days (my goal isn't more than that anyway) and I try to use the extra calories gained from exercise as a sort of "safety net." Today I looked at my nutrition report in the Reports tab, and I am seeing that my "net calories consumed" is always UNDER 1200, ranging from 900-1100 and sometimes even less.

What does that chart really mean? Does that mean I should be consuming more calories? Or should I just keep focusing on the calories I'm consuming according to my food diary? I'm just very concerned about my body storing fat, especially when I've been trying SO hard to get rid of it... any advice would be helpful!

Thanks for reading!


  • dk82
    dk82 Posts: 142 Member
    The net calories would be your the calories you eat minus the calories you burn.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    If you eat 1200 but exercise for 200, then your "net calories consumed" will show as 1000, because you are supposed to eat those calories back to be counted in your net calories.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    The net calories is your total calories minus the calories you exercised away. You are supposed to eat your exercise calories -- so for you, you should be eating 1,200 NET calories.
  • greerv72
    greerv72 Posts: 15
    Ok, I think I'm understanding now.. So I DO need to be eating more calories then. Shoot- I hope I haven't messed things up for myself too much :(

    Thanks a lot for your responses!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    You haven't messed anything up that can't be fixed. Start eating at least 1200 NET, just be aware that the scale might go up SLIGHTLY for a week or so as your body adjusts, then it will start to come off again in a more healthy manner. Don't freak out if it goes up. In fact, don't weigh yourself for like 2 weeks!
  • pxgabriel
    pxgabriel Posts: 21
    Listen to Leigh Peele, she has podcasts on Itunes. She is so smart and sensible. I am trying not to over analyze. :smile:
  • chrispol
    chrispol Posts: 21
    an easy way to figure out what you should be eating + excercise is this formula I got from the P90X system and it worked for me.

    Find your resting metabolic rate (calories you need to just breathe and be alive more or less) - Body Weight x 10 =

    Calc daily activity burn (calories required for daily movement) - Above Number (RMR x 20% =

    Add the calories required for your exercise needs ( am guessing from your original post it is about 500 cals - RMR + Daily Activity Burn + 500

    For myself I was consuming about 1800 per day, which was geared more for building muscle then losing weight.

    Check out this web site I think it explains it pretty well as well