why everyone else except me?



  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    18 lbs is amazing, I've only lost 12 since the begining of May. You have to do everything at your body's pace. Ya, there are people on here that can drop 12 lbs in a month and some it would take 6 months. The point is EVERY POUND IS A VICTORY!! :)
  • greerv72
    greerv72 Posts: 15
    The weighing food thing is a great idea.. Does anyone know where I might be able to find a food scale for a good price?

    Anyway, you are doing GREAT!! While I only wish to lose 15-20 lbs, it will also take me months and months. I don't let that get me discouraged, because I know what the final result will be if I keep at it. I know that it will all pay off, and I will love myself for being determined enough to reach my goal. Have a great 4th of July! :)
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    The weighing food thing is a great idea.. Does anyone know where I might be able to find a food scale for a good price?

    Anyway, you are doing GREAT!! While I only wish to lose 15-20 lbs, it will also take me months and months. I don't let that get me discouraged, because I know what the final result will be if I keep at it. I know that it will all pay off, and I will love myself for being determined enough to reach my goal. Have a great 4th of July! :)

    Walmart has 4 different food scales for all under $20 each. I'd recommend a digital one.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    today was my weigh in day and ihave lost 8kg eich is about 18lbs in 11 weeks, (can't complain):bigsmile:

    but comparing to most of you and my mfp friends i've lost very little in this time, which means that it's going to take me much longer than the rest. :sad:

    i generally keep under the 1200 kcals rarely eating my exercise kcals (i consider them my safety net) and exercise everyday burning between 600 and 900 kcals. (walking, taebo, step aerobics, crunches) :explode:

    is there anyone else who has lost about the same weight in about the same time?:flowerforyou:

    You are doing fantastic and if I were you I would forget comparing yourself with anybody else. You are continuously and consistenly losing weight at a good level. Some people lose a lot in one week, others barely move the scales from one week to the next and then some people, like yourself, lose it gradually and evenly. 18lbs is a lot and you are persevering.

    Forget everybody else, once you start comparing, that is when you can get disgruntled and disheartened if you are not losing as fast as some manic dieter next to you.

    You are losing and therefore, succeeding in what you set out to do, how can you not be pleased with yourself there x :flowerforyou:
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    I agree totally with other posts...amount of weight you need to lose makes a big difference AND weighing your food. The weighing food can actually work both ways. I had just been "estimating" a couple of items because I thought I could easily...when I finally decided to weigh them I was actually shorting myself. Also, are you getting in all your vegetable, fruits and water? The weeks I lost slow were weeks I struggled with vegetables and fruits (I never have a hard time getting my water in).. Just a thought. But again, 18 pounds is great and you will reach your goal at that rate. Good luck!