

  • I do it on the wii but cant actually hula hoop in real life! Just cant get the rhythm right to keep the damn thing up!
  • All through revision I used my fit ball for a seat as it improved my posture
  • No!!!!! I was bigger then than I am now! I want to be the slim person I wish I was when I was at high school!
  • Okay I'm being a little cheeky I really need support in weight loss and due to my work pattern will be unlikely to be able to attend a WW or SW for support so I'm kicking this to the top of the list whilst UK residents are awake (I realised I posted it in the middle of the ight when most would be asleep!) Amy -x-
  • excellent! Its so easy to give up after a naughty day!
  • eky (bekylouisex3)..............SW 153.0 lbs/ GW 145.0 lbs/ CW 153.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -/+ lbs Teresa (Tsydow)....................SW 190.0 lbs/GW 150.0 lbs/ CW 190.0 lbs/ PROGRESS...-0.0 lbs Lindsey (LHuffman24).........SW 147.4 lbs/ GW 147.0 lbs/ CW 147.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -/+ lbs Cathy(chipper)......................SW 239.2 lbs/…
  • It's the calories you have left to eat I believe
  • bread - toasted, sandwiches, just with butter, dipped in balsamic vinegar and olive oil, dipped in any dsauce/gravy on my plate - you name it! chocolate, crisps
  • or 'your leg is shaking' in a really school teacher, how dare it be shaking tone!!! I swear my fit board actually says 'ouch' when i step on it, or am I imagining that its is saying ouch! it also has my weight at a stone less than i actually am so will have to reset my goal as 14 pounds lower than really want!
  • my damn wii fit maintains that all I am doing is gaining weight this week? I think i shall hold out judgement until I get on the scales at work on friday!
  • You'll still have changes in your water retention even on an implant, so can still take that into account
  • I wish I could keep my cupboards empty of bad for me stuff - recent shopping trip to IKEA and what my other half came back with: Me - suit bags him - 2 x hazelnut choc bars, 2 x milk choc bars I cannot just eat one piece of choc, I have tried, all her ever says when I ask that we dont buy it - 'have more self control' -…
  • Try ebay?
  • Hi, I'm a soon to be Londoner again, just joined the site - wow on the weight loss! I have 2 and half stone to loose and find it difficult to get the first pound off!
  • I have signed up to this, started using it properly and did my wii fit both yesterday and today for over 40 minutes havind had a wii fit since january - dont believe the scales on it though - put me at a stone lighter than I know I am!
  • I'm new today too, ive been using the app on and off for a couple of months but since signing in on my laptop today Ive reaslised that there is so much more to it than on the app!. Good to meet someone with what looks like similar weight loss goals as me (13kg all in I think - sounds so small until you try doesnt it!) Any…
  • As luck would have it, I am starting a new job with more sensible hours (I'm a vet who was on an internship but now has a 'normal' vet job). I plan to join a gym which has a couple of good classes a week that I like (as I used to do at uni) and am using my wii fit way more now (love it, though my triceps are screaming…
  • Your hubby is also my favourite person for today too! mIne htinks we should have old el paso fajitas for dinner tonight!!! I am moving back to London after a year away, I'll be north west, i'm planning to join Harrow Fitness First if you an exercise person!
  • I know the feeling about the clothes, so depressing when I open my wardrobe and see all these great clothes and so few I fit in now! Plus I'm moving to the other end of the country in two weeks and alot of excess clothing that I cnat wear but dont want to get rid of as it's so lovely!