Determined this time

Kincar Posts: 601 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I posted on the Today show thread yesterday when I joined, but I thought I should do an official intro.

My name is Karen. I'm 42 y.o. I'm about to start a new school year teaching 4th grade. I need to lose around 25 lbs.

In the past year and a half I've gained quite a bit of weight through bad choices and lazy habits. That needs to change. I have two children, ages 12 and 9, and I want to be more active with them. Both of my parents had heart attacks. It's time I start taking the risks more seriously instead of having the mind set that it won't happen to me.

I have a closet full of nice clothes that no longer fit me. I don't want to buy all new, bigger clothes. I want to fit into the ones I have!

I haven't really committed myself to losing the weight. I'd SAY I wanted to, make better choices for a while, and then slip right back into making bad choices. This time I mean it. I want to feel good again about myself and the choices I make. I knew I needed to do something different this time to make it harder to slide back into those bad habits. I'm hoping joining this site and participating will do that for me.


  • I know the feeling about the clothes, so depressing when I open my wardrobe and see all these great clothes and so few I fit in now!

    Plus I'm moving to the other end of the country in two weeks and alot of excess clothing that I cnat wear but dont want to get rid of as it's so lovely!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Oh, I so hear you on getting rid of clothes when you move. I moved from NY to south Texas in 1998. I held on to sweaters for years because I loved them. I only get to wear a sweater once or twice a "winter" so slowly over time I've let the sweaters go. I have a few now that I've bought just because I love them. I've been here a long time and I still miss winter.
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