you have got to be kidding me!!

xweerachceex Posts: 85
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
ive gained weight!!!! :explode: :explode:
2 pounds in the past week!

ok last night i had a drink :drinker: and a small chicken chow mein:blushing: ..... would that be why ive gained the past week?

im sooooo gutted coz i wanted to loose 19 pounds in 19 weeks (for xmas) and this has just put a total downer on it coz not i need to loose 21 pounds!:mad: :explode:

doas any1 have any home exersices or work out dvds (preferibly home ones so i can get started asap) that couldpossibly helpme loose inches as well as fat quite quickly? just for these few extra pounds i didnt bank on having :(

any advice on this subject would be much apreciated

:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
rachael xx


  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    Don't be discouraged ... I managed to put on 6lbs while I slept!!!!!!! Keep doing the right thing eating good quality food with lots of fruit & veg & it will work out. That 2lb will be water due to excess salt/ sodium in the chow mien.I have the same problem & have had to learn to live with it, currently 2lb more than I was Friday!!! Feel free to add me for support.
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    Check out your local library for exercise DVDs. They may not have the latest and greatest but there should be a variety that will keep you moving. I recommend not starting with anything hardcore as that can be very un-motivating.

    The big thing is to keep a positive attitude. You WILL have setbacks along the way and your attitude is VITAL. The body reacts to your attitude (probably stress levels) and it becomes a vicious circle.

    21 pounds in 4 months (depending on your starting weight) is doable without killing yourself so - so physically sweat the small stuff - don't mentally sweat it! :wink:
  • The same exact thing happened to me. I was really good at tracking foods and exercising except for one day this week (which was my birthday). I too gained 2lbs!! I was so upset however, I kept plugging away. Today I was down 1lb and tomorrow's my weigh-in so hopefully I'll be down the other pound although I wont count on it.

    It could be your body's way of holding on to weight. our bodies do have a way of protecting us when it thinks we're not getting as much as we used to. This too shall pass, although I want to strongly agree with you its very very frustrating. Remember, there will be times when you LOSE more than you anticipated.

    Make sure you're getting all your water in, best way to lose pounds is totally cardio but make sure you do some strengthening too because MUSCLE BURNS FAT

    Hope that helped some.

  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Just a heads up - you need to watch your drinking and sodium a day or so before weigh in! I usually cut back on sodium for the weekend (Monday is my weigh in days)

    Jillian Michaels DVD's will kick your butt. You can get them at Wallmart, I think Target,
    30 Day Shred (2-3 lb hand weights)
    No More Trouble Zones (2-3 lb hand weights)
    Yoga Meltdown
    Banish Fat Boost Metabolism

    They are each $10 or under.

    Good luck to ya sista!
  • I agree if thats the only bad thing you had and you were within you calories all week then its probably just water weight. Or maybe TOM. I like Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. its only a 20 min workout but it was good since it I have to squeeze it in during nap time. Her videos I think are pretty cheap.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    Sodium and TOM are big problems for me. I try to keep my sodium under 2000, and usually under 1500. I really press the water intake. When TOM is here, I try to keep the sodium under 1000, and even more water. As for workout's, I have a hernia and am limited to what I can do. I am aloud to walk, and ride a bike. But, I love the Leslie Sansone walks. They are available here on my cable on the exercise on demand channel for free. I liked them so well, I bought one online and downloaded it to my Zune so I can use it anywhere. I have lost over 35 inches now, so something is working. Here is the website you can go to and purchase video's to download that I use alot. Goodluck!!
  • andi93
    andi93 Posts: 13
    That's always frustrating, but remember the body is always changing weight so next week you could be down 3 pounds and this weigh-in just had some odd factors in it. Also, if you're exercising a lot, you could've gained a bit because of building muscle. Don't solely rely on the scale- look at the fit of your clothes. And don't be discouraged- you can reach your goal! I personally do a lot of turbo jam workouts because I love kickboxing- its high energy and releases a lot of my stress. Also, when you run into a conversation that involves names of certain boxing punches, I know what an uppercut and a hook is....I feel cool :P. Good luck with everything :)!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Same thing happened with me... I've been losing/gaining the same 2lbs the last couple of weeks. May have something to do with my "TOM" or sodium, etc. But, I finally lost those 2lbs and another one today! Woo hoo!

    It was VERY frustrating over the last 2 weeks not to see any weight loss. Because I know I'm doing the right things. I just kept telling myself to keep doing what I know is right, and eventually I will see some results on the scale. But, even though the scale wasn't showing me what I wanted to see, I could see some changes in my body and feel some muscles starting to firm up in my arms and legs. So, that gave me some needed comfort!
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    It will happen, be patient!!!! Try to remain hopeful.

    Thanks for the video suggestions!
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Yes, measuring yourself is always a good thing. I like to keep track of my waist, abdomen and hip inches at the beginning of each month. It feels good to see the numbers shrinking. :drinker: (lots of water)
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    most likely its water weight from sodium intake. increase your water intake. It also could have to do with TOM
  • ive gained weight!!!! :explode: :explode:
    2 pounds in the past week!

    ok last night i had a drink :drinker: and a small chicken chow mein:blushing: ..... would that be why ive gained the past week?

    im sooooo gutted coz i wanted to loose 19 pounds in 19 weeks (for xmas) and this has just put a total downer on it coz not i need to loose 21 pounds!:mad: :explode:

    doas any1 have any home exersices or work out dvds (preferibly home ones so i can get started asap) that couldpossibly helpme loose inches as well as fat quite quickly? just for these few extra pounds i didnt bank on having :(

    any advice on this subject would be much apreciated

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    rachael xx

    hi again sorry i should have mentioned i dont get TOM on the implanon and it took them away :) still get them once in a blue moon but rarely :) thanx xx
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    Don't get discouraged. as long as you're pretty consistently staying near your calorie goal, over the long run, you'll lose. It just isn't always as fast as one would like. Personally, I went through a four week period where the scale didn't move down, and occasionally even ticked up a pound for a day or two before leveling back off at the previous number. Eventually I started losing again; it just took patience.
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    jillians 30 day shred is a miracle work out if you do it right! I've see crazy results in the 15 days I've been doing it!
  • hi again sorry i should have mentioned i dont get TOM on the implanon and it took them away :) still get them once in a blue moon but rarely :) thanx xx

    You'll still have changes in your water retention even on an implant, so can still take that into account
  • thisisadrienne
    thisisadrienne Posts: 1 Member

    Boy do I feel your pain! Just this morning I woke up half a pound heavier than I did yesterday and I am livid! First thing in the morning I woke up to one of my favorite home workouts, TurboFire (more on that later), and burned 500 calories. Then I made myself an egg white omelet with a 1/4 cup goat cheese and sliced tomatoes. For a snack I had fat free yogurt with granola and berries. Lunch was a grilled ahi salad with no dressing, just fresh salsa BUT I also indulged in half a stuffed baked potato. It was stuffed with seafood and cheese and topped with sour cream. Not the best choice, but a small cheat compared to what my weekend meals used to look like. My afternoon snack was a skinny cow ice cream cone and dinner was a salad with fruit and grilled chicken with fat-free dressing. All I drank is water and I drank tons of it throughout the day.

    I really thought my intense exercise and healthy eating for the day would have canceled out the silly half of a baked potato, but alas it resulted in a gain anyway!

    First of all, RELAX! You did NOT gain 2 lbs. of fat in one day. It just doesn't work that way--thank goodness!

    As others mentioned earlier, sodium is probably the culprit for your gain. The sugar (I know it doesn't always taste like it, but alcohol is full of sugar) in your drink didn't help either. Try to keep your alcoholic beverages to light beer, wine or 1 shot of liquor with a calorie free mixer like Diet soda or club soda. Cocktails can be dangerous with much more than that in them! Drink lots of water to combat the salt./sugar bloat and flush it all out of your system. If you eat sensibly today, you will most likely find the majority, if not the entirety, of this temporary gain will disappear tomorrow.

    Now, you mentioned that you're looking for some home workouts. When I first started working out I used Slim in 6 and then Turbo Jam and had great results with both! Slim in 6 is great for those getting back to exercise after a long break or just getting started. It's a program that gets progressively more challenging over a six week period and people have lost up to 20 pounds in this time! I lost 9. The moves are basic, but effective. It combines cardio with light resistance to really reshape your body.

    Turbo Jam is great for beginners too and is so much fun! It's pure cardio that's part dance, part cardio-kickboxing. It can take a couple of tries to get the moves down, but before you know it you're so into the music and loving the moves that you almost (I said ALMOST) forget that you're exercising.

    You can learn about both of these, and other home workouts, here:

    Stay motivated! Don't let this temporary gain get you down. Let me know how I can help!
  • Weight varies throughout the day so you need to be consistent on when and how you weigh. Weight multiple times throughout the day can be helpful in establishing your baseline, but it won't tell you anything about weight loss. It takes a couple weeks for you to see results. Hang in there and don't beat yourself up over stuff like this. The key is to do your best and let the chips fall were they may.
  • Just because you don't get TOM doesn't mean that your body doesn't go through the process.

    Two pounds is actually nothing. I gained/lossed that same 2 pounds for a month and a half, when I finally got past the block I lost not only that 2 lbs but another 3 lbs with it.

    Sometimes, you have to sit back and think about what is going on around you. The one thing that I learned in Weight Watchers is that you have to learn what is eating on you before you eat on food.

    Some people don't remember that your mental state including stress, kids, work, life in general, parents and marriage all become a factor in your weight loss. You have to manage it all.

    Good luck on your journey, and let me know if I can be of any further help.
  • my damn wii fit maintains that all I am doing is gaining weight this week? I think i shall hold out judgement until I get on the scales at work on friday!
  • I love the Wii Fit but sometimes I want to choke that lil guy who says in a very discouraging manner "THAT'S OVERWEIGHT" LOL
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