

  • You are wise to realize that you will need to track calories and exercise in order for the surgery to be successful and to have good long term health. Best of luck on your surgery.
  • I took prescription pills when my BMI was in the obese category formerly and it was recommended by my doctor. At the time I took Meridia and also Phentrimine. They really don't help much, and are just complimentary to other effort that you put in. They are only legal and safe when prescribed by a doctor and you need blood…
  • This was my first week. I also cried. TEARS. Other unusual stuff. I think this might be part of the first week, but already I can now sleep through the night on day 10 and I'm getting in my water. Expect this to be ongoing the first week, but not forever. You are going to start feeling thirstier and peeing less next week!
  • My understanding is that it is total overall calories that matter, not when you eat them. Maybe have a bigger lunch?
  • Keep inviting him, but get some music and learn to enjoy it. I carry pepper spray. You have to do what is right for you, and you can't force someone else to change if they aren't ready to. Get out and set a good example, and just keep asking. Accept no, smile, and get on out there!
  • Hi! Congrats on your weight loss so far. A few ideas for Breakfast, which seems a big challenge so you have it so early. Have you tried the Lean Pockets? Might save you money over fast food. Also, I enjoy a greek yogurt with blueberries in it. Adding a piece of fruit in the morning might give you a better start along with…
  • Yes, in general, but there are exceptions. What this means is in terms of sexual attraction, Men judge mostly on looks. They know in 10 seconds "Yes" or "No". Women judge on other things. If someone is WAY outside of what they'd go for, they can give a "Hell No" instantly, but there is a much larger range of guys who go…
  • I just started today. I'm 37 years old I have ~45lbs to lose. I have nerve damage in my right leg, along with osteoarthritis and failed surgery in that right knee which makes it swell badly with many types of exercise. Also I have severe endometriosis and am facing my 3rd surgery soon to clear out the disease. I'm also…
  • I've tried to find a balance because I have chronic pain and can end up able to do nothing but lay around in agony if I push it too much. Go start and promise yourself to give it 15 minutes. If after 15 minutes you can't imagine finishing your workout, go rest. If after 15 minutes another 15 doesn't sound too bad,…
  • My Mom has the same exact spine issue including the fusion (2 disks). She's done amazingly well, but now that her feet have issues, when she's unable to walk due to her feet, her back gets really bad. If she walks a ton which helps her back, her poor feet struggle as her arches are collapsing. Her ability to stay positive…