Looking for others "like me" to inspire . . .

ginadaye Posts: 39 Member
Please don't anyone be offended, but I'm around 60 years old, suffer from arthritis and other issues that make exercising difficult; am short (5" 2") and have 50 lbs. to lose. I'ld like to be friends with others in the same boat who have been successful (to inspire me when I'm feeling too old and decrepit to succeed). I think most people identify best with those who are struggling with the same issues (age, health, etc.). Been doing this a week and love the site and all the inspiration available. Hope to be of encouragement to you all as well!


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I'm 19 years old with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and other various health problems. I'm younger, but you can feel free to add me anyway :)
  • bcfcheathy
    Hi, Welcome to MFP!

    I'm not really in the same position as you but would like to give you my best wishes and really wish you the best of luck on your journey!

    Why would you offend anybody with what you said!?! You're an inspiration in yourself, a lot of people would love the courage to make the first steps that you have already made!!

    Good Luck!!

  • anamikaraks
    anamikaraks Posts: 59 Member
    I am trying to encourage my mom to use MFP. She is in her mid 60s with arthritis and shoulder issues with quite a bit to lose. Would you mind very much if I showed her your post to let her see that EVERYONE can use MFP and benefit from the great community? Hopefully she could friend you soon!
  • stephski07
    Oops, i was logging for my partner (BCFC) and commented as if it was him...sorry!

  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Send me a friend request if you like!!!!
  • lanettecream
    I just started today. I'm 37 years old I have ~45lbs to lose. I have nerve damage in my right leg, along with osteoarthritis and failed surgery in that right knee which makes it swell badly with many types of exercise. Also I have severe endometriosis and am facing my 3rd surgery soon to clear out the disease. I'm also taking many medications which have side-effects such as severe facial sweating, general overheating, and dizziness, which make exercise harder to do and weight harder to lose. I'd appreciate hearing positive tips on how you manage to get more activity in, despite the challenges. No pressure if you think the age difference is too much. Best of luck on your journey.
  • ginadaye
    ginadaye Posts: 39 Member
    Absolutely show her my post! I also have a shoulder problem - LOL - I have an issue with more joints than not in my body. I would be most happy to befriend her and be her cheerleader. She is not too old and it is never too late for anyone. I'll look forward to hearing from you and hopefully from her. Congrats to you for going it alone. Maybe you could get her excited - think about how great it would be to do something together! Take care!
  • nannyx6
    nannyx6 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi "Age is just a number" I am 54 and don`t plan on ever getting old! I am trying to get back in shape myself.I need to lose 25 to 30 pounds and I have seriatic arthritis but keep excercising.i know once I loose the weight I will feel much better.Keep thinking healthy and stay motivated :)
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Feel free to add me as well.
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    Hello, I'm 52 and have been using MFP sense June 13 and have lost 18 pounds. I do have knee problems, you can add me.
  • Merrymel
    Merrymel Posts: 15
    I am 51 yrs of age. Among my MFP friends, I do believe I am the oldest one. I often use that to sabotage myself. I look at all their hard work exercising for triple digit minutes of exercise and I say to myself...."oh they can do that, look how young they are". But the more I go and the harder I push myself, the more I find out I can do. Just today I did day 6 of 30 day shred and I went jogging for 30 minutes.Take baby steps and give yourself plenty self love....you deserve it . Feel free to add me if you'd like.

    have a blessed day
  • TowerGirl
    Today is my first day with My Fitness Pal! I'm in my early 50's and want to lose about 20 pounds. I've been sitting at a desk for so many years and it is catching up with me now that menopause found me! I'll be happy to cheer you on!
  • glp724
    glp724 Posts: 48 Member
    I don't have a personal story of inspiration, but I can tell you that my mom is 59 severe arthritis in her knees and has lost 40lbs so far this year. She's following WW and using a recumbent bike to get some exercise in when she feels up to it. Losing is hard, but it CAN be done!!
  • ReneeJM
    ReneeJM Posts: 117 Member
    I will be 60 in March. I just started MFP two weeks ago and I am very encouraged so far. I think we are both going to feel so great when we lose our 50 pounds! Feel free to add me as a friend.
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