jacksonpt Member


  • Going farther.
  • I agree with the sentiment of the OP. Basically, all mainstream consumer-level methods of measuring calorie burn are crapshoots. Some may have less error for margin than others some of the time, but they all have a fairly high margin of error. They are, like everything else in this world of weight loss, weight gain, and…
  • When I'm not losing, it's almost ALWAYS because I'm not logging accurately enough, which almost ALWAYS means I'm eating more than I realize.
  • I guess I missed this first time through, but after seeing those profiles, I'm REALLY excited about Pocono. Sub 3-hr PR, here I come!!!
  • MSRP is $1680 vs $2240 (assuming non-disc models of each). Ultegra model gets you ultegra derailleurs, shifters, and brakes, with Askium Elite wheels. 105 models gets you 105 derailleurs and shifters, Tektro brakes, and Askium wheels. IMO, I'd rather put that extra $600 into better wheels. I don't think there's a…
  • I feel like there's a lot going on here. Let's see... * IMO, most people don't understand HR, what it means/indicates, or how to use it. Which is fine, because IMO, most MFPers shouldn't be using HR as a factor in their training. It's an interesting data point to look at, but most people are better served by keeping things…
  • I recently got a CAAD12 105 and am beyond impressed with it. It's spec'd/priced as well if not better than anything else like it, and the ride in outstanding. My everyday bike is a Specialized Roubaix, but the CAAD12 is a more impressive bike, IMO. If it were me, I'd buy the CAAD12 in a second. Maybe not if I were looking…
  • I agree with the advice to slow down, but to answer your question... no, there isn't a big disadvantage to what you're doing. You'll likely see better progress/improvement if you are able to go slower longer rather than in starts and stops like you describe, but you should still get some nice benefits from what you're…
  • it's just like a bank account. If you put more in than you take out, it will grow - your bank account will grow, as will your waistline. If you use more than you put in, it will shrink. Pretty simple.
  • Pretty much that. There is no 1 right answer to this question. Bulk until it takes you too far away from where you want to be (too much body fat). Cut until it takes you too far from where you want to be (i.e. too thin/lean or too low energy for your workouts, that kind of thing)
  • I basically agree. Lifting isn't a bad idea, but it's probably not required for your goals. Calorie deficit + consistency + patience.
  • Calorie deficit to lose the weight/fat. Higher intensity exercise (can be cardio or weights or some of both) to help maintain muscle. Losing muscle is very rarely a good idea.
  • I agree with the previous posts. Losing fat, especially belly fat, is about diet, not exercise. Can exercise help? Yes, but only if your diet is on point. But even then, what exercises you do doesn't matter all that much.
  • Everything I've read suggests that afterburn, in terms of calorie consumption, is fairly insignificant. I would not chalk up apparently high calorie estimates to afterburn. IMO, estimating calorie burns is REALLY difficult to do. Ask 5 people to estimate and you'll get 10 different methods producing 20 different numbers.…
  • use a squat rack... lower the safeties to the appropriate height, lay the barbell on the safeties, do your rows from the barbell. If the gym doesn't have a space for inverted rows, then you have just as much right to the rack as anyone else does. Alternatively... all you really need is something to hang from that is at a…
  • Pretty sure this has been answered a couple of times now. If there's a specific number you're looking for, PM me, I'll post it, and we can all move on.
  • Don't worry about it. no matter what you do or don't do, people will get butthurt about it.
  • My thoughts exactly. Assuming your logging is reasonably accurate and that 1800 cals is pretty close to 1800 cals, you should still be losing. If you're both lifting and cardio-ing 5 days per week, you might want to consider dropping the volume and increasing the intensity a bit if muscle preservation is your focus while…
  • Assuming everything else stays the same... it won't matter. The end result will be the same either way.
  • There are a bunch of posts on this already if you want to do some digging. This one is from the last couple of days - http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10412759/best-pre-workout
  • Was it tingly? That pins and needles feeling you might get in your leg if you sit wrong or your arm if you sleep wrong? If so, it's not uncommon and is probably related to the bike seat affecting blood flow.
  • If your goal is weight loss, then it doesn't matter... do then back to back if you want. If you have performance goals, then wait long enough so that you are recovered from the first session. There is no "you must wait ___ hours" answer.
  • Yes to the first part, assuming your workouts are even remotely challenging/intensive. I'm not sure what you mean by increasing water.
  • Yep, that's fine. Weight loss will be impacted more by your diet than your exercise, so what you do when is secondary to how much you consume.
  • Agreed. Whether your supersets include exercises that work the same muscles or opposing depends on goals. Both have benefits.
    in Supersets Comment by jacksonpt June 2016
  • Everyone's form will be a little different. If your back is straight and your core is tight, you're probably 90% of the way there. Are you able to post a video?
  • As I said... whether or not the benefits are worth the cost is up to the individual.
  • While the rest of you argue just to be right, I'll throw this out there... There is some merit to perception. Call it the placebo effect or whatever you want, but if people think they are benefiting from a supplement, and that helps with their motivation to stick with a routine or push through a workout or grind out one…
  • FWIW... there are some very accomplished, dedicated, and talented athletes on these boards and in this thread... ironmen and ultrarunners and such. People who have dedicated years of training to gain a minute here or a minute there on their race times. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss what people are saying. I'm not…
  • Everyone responds differently to the various stims and whatnot in pre-workouts. If you've got something you like, stick with it. Otherwise, just try a bunch and see what you think.