

  • I quit about a year the beginning when cravings were really bad I gained about 5-10 pounds quickly....It took me a while but I was able to take it back off. You can't fight a war on two reached your goal weight- GREAT! But quitting is a HUGE benefit for your health and longevity! Don't stress too…
  • Polar is the most accurate from what I'v read/heard....Bodybug also has a good reputation but are considerably more expensive than the basic Polar models. I also have the Polar FT7- very user friendly and accurate. Follow the instrucions about rinsing it after each use. Also- I've found it works better with electrode gel…
  • I have been there! There is a group about Binge Eating you can join on MFP for more support- I always found my binges would come after a few days of eating way too little... I think you should try pre-packing lots of small healthy snacks and plan them frequently into your day. Any behavior (like binging/smoking whatever)…
  • Anything with tuna- low carb/sugar and HIGH protein...I notice it feels me up for much longer than a carb-heavy lunch! Starkist has these great individual packs of pre-made tuna salads- very light, no mayo...zesty and delish!!! A bit expensive though...You can email the company and beg for coupons! I did and they sent me a…
  • One last question~ I recalculated my goals using what the nutritionist suggested and now my projected weight loss is .3 lbs and I was aiming at .5...should I just ingore the projection and see what happens? PS- thanks also to those suggesting the EM2WL Group! I'm now a proud member!
  • Thanks Everyone! I do want these last few pounds to come off slowly but I just didn't feel great about MFP's calorie calculation! I'm going back to my original number and will make sure to up my workout intensity a bit! Mikeschratz- Thanks for all the great sites!!! This will be my evening reading for a while...
  • I used to use strategies like that (a serving is the size of a baseball, etc) but it really depends on the size/shape of the pasta! It's a HUGE pain...but I usually weigh what I make before cooking so there's no guesswork involved!
  • Thanks Laurie!!! I will definitely be checking that out!
  • Do you think your weight loss naturally plateaued? Or do you suspect the keytones have something to do with it! I have the calipers- they are really useful in determing body fat %...the tape measure alone just doesn't cut it. And the scale...well thats another story completely! Good Luck!
  • Hilarious! :laugh: I'm betting those rats have 3rd eyeballs by now! These bogus claims always make me so least I don't actually follow up on any of them!
  • This is where I'm really struggling! I don't understand how MFP sets the macro goals- and I don't want to change anything b/c I'm not sure what would be best for me!?!?!
  • The swing is about 50-75 calories...Not huge at all. I just have a history of arithmea in my familiy and I panicked that might have something to do with it! Just being neurotic again! Suprise Suprise!! :wink:
  • Never seen the stevia it the same thing as the power?? Or does it come in flavors? I'll have to shop around for it! Thanks!! :heart:
  • Just curious about which jillian book you were referring to... I love her take on fitness and nutrition! I too believe. You have yo eat back at least some of your burned off calories...eating too little will slow down metabolism and will leave you unsatisfied. And more likely to cheat!
  • I have never read about a natural correlation between weight loss and hair loss! I'd look into the nutrients in your diet and see if you're deficient in any areas. Try a supplement- Biotin promotes healthy hair and nails. Just be careful - it CAN bother your stomach if taken without food.
  • :smile: thanks!
  • I think I'm going to try this out~! I've been SO discouraged lately b/c I usually weigh in on Saturday mornings and after a week of hard work seeing that number go up a few pounds is terrible! Weighing every day will hopefully help me see the little ups and downs and which way im heading overall! Thanks for the great…
  • love it! Thanks everyone! Consider me officially back on the wagon...Its just confusing when calories, fats and carbs are all so low! THe only thing I'm high in are natural sugars from fruit/veggies...just had to vent. also- how do i "open up" my info? some privacy settings I assume?