loopylou72 Member


  • thanks thats what i like to hear :laugh:
  • thanks will cut my bread down and the chocolate and i should cut out my glass of wine too, going to the gym is not an option really as i live quite away from a town but i do have a wii fit and i could find half an hour to go for a brisk walk so i will try those and i work evenings until 9pm so i should maybe have a bigger…
  • i dont know how to open my diary but i added you as a friend so hopefully you can see. height 5'4 weight 208.6 lbs goal weight at the moment only 190 lb excercise not much only walking and gardening just the everyday things thanks :smile:
  • i would say if thats what you want have it. I'm fairly new to this site, but because i prefer a glass of wine to the chocolate and crisps, i just work it in to my calories enjoy lol :laugh:
  • ok i never thought anyone would tell me to eat more :noway: thanks guys :bigsmile:
  • going to change my bread from wholemeal to granary bread there is a few more calories in it :bigsmile:
  • maybe its because i have tried diets and cut out everything i love, but on this one its calorie counting so i can have anything i want within reason, and i dont feel i need to deprive myself. Its all in the mind if you cant have it then you want it more!! does that make sense? :embarassed:
  • but i dont feel i can eat any more lol :sad:
  • thanks i might try the nuts instead of extra bread :flowerforyou:
  • should be 1690 cal but if i do excercise it goes up. Only been doing this a few days but yesterday 706 cals left and i had a glass of wine too lol
  • thanks guys :bigsmile: I am going to need all the support i can get so if you can offer me any good advice then its very much appreciated :flowerforyou:
  • maybe its worth adding as it will only be a few calories? i really do need to do this by the book as all the diets i have tried have been unsuccesful!! and this one was recommended by my doctor !!!:wink: