hillm12345 Member


  • I find that I do better when I plan in advance what is for dinner. Even if I plan on eating out, I am able to look at a nutritional guide to make good food choices. My downfall comes when I wait to eat until I'm starving, have nothing planned, and I find myself standing in front of my open pantry taking "bites" of…
  • I agree with others who say BC effects everyone differently. The Mirena didn't work for me, but a good friend of mine loved it. Talk with your doctor and explore your options.
  • the first time I ever thought of losing weight was when some co workers set up a bet, how much weight can you lose in 6 weeks. I won the bet and I lost close to 25 pounds on a super restrictive diet (1200 cals a day) and massive working out. I worked in a factory and ran my *kitten* off for 8 hours a day then came home and…
  • I found that when I first joined MFP, I had no idea how to calculate my TDEE and sometimes I do alot of sitting for work.. so when I would log a 30 minute walk I would be eating 1300 cals a day with eating the exercise cals. I gained, and I became frustrated. I then purchased a fitbit (not saying go out and buy one) and…
  • 2/3/2013 Going on six months :)
  • I don't have the flex, but I have the Fitbit ONE and the ARIA scale.. I can't sing enough praises about the fitbit company. I love it and it syncs with just about everything. I have heard that the flex is waterproof which is something I would upgrade to in the future.
  • Like others have said on here, unfortunately.. you are learning NOTHING from taking a pill. I can't tell you the countless times I've seen people take pills, do the HCG diet.. the atkins diet.. the cabbage diet.. the blah blah diet.. and it works great, but then when they go to live a normal life, they blow up like a…
  • your current goals will set you up for failure. Eating so little each day will eventually lead to you just stuffing your face. I am 5'8 and currently restarting my journey after taking a month off. I started last week and weighed 166.7. I have netted anywhere from 1400 to 1800 cals a day (depending on activity level) and I…
  • Yesterday I dug out some pants I hadn't been able to wear in about 2 years. They are still a little snug, but they button and are slightly comfortable :)
  • You said it best yourself.. and obviously what you are doing is NOT working for you. If you don't like the advice of the thread, then take your own advice. :flowerforyou:
  • reading through these replies, there is alot of great advice in here.. what I can add is to LOG EVERYTHING. I hate seeing the red number and the overage, but it comes down to being honest with yourself. Only when you are honest will you see results. Find a few exercises that you don't hate and then go back and forth…
  • I'm 5'8 and would love to be 137 and... i'm having a really hard time not being mean.
  • I try to do this too, especially when I'm planning meals. Also it's helpful when planning treats and sweets for my after dinner snack. I have a huge sweet tooth and it helps keep me in check.
  • I can see a difference.. especially around your mid section.
  • so what happens when you're out to lunch with a friend, you get caught up in conversation and you lose track of the how many bites you've had? good system. *facepalm*
  • that article should be titled : "I'm fat, and don't want you to point it out or help me so here is a list of 21 things to not say around me"
  • The sugars in fruit are processed differently in the body than sugars from a candy bar... or at least weight watchers and webmd have told me so. I wouldn't hesitate to log fruit.. and I would not be distraught if my only sugar intake was mostly from "healthy" foods. Now if you're over your sugars because you ate a bunch of…
  • My (now) husband and I went through a similar situation when we first moved in together. I wanted to spend a ton of time with him and I couldn't understand why he didn't feel the same way. He was accuse me of smothering him and not letting him go out for guys nights.. After we talked, I found out that.. he was a little…
  • I can't speak to the hating your job part.. I love my job. however, if anything is causing you that much stress, you either A) need better stress management or B) a new job, or C) get over it. side note: I'm struggling to see how you spent so much time getting a degree that when put to use is causing you this much stress..…
  • you can help in ways not related to the gym. When my fiance and I got together he was very active, playing baseball a few times a week and regularly going to the gym.. I was not. In the past 5 years, the tables have turned. He's lost his opportunities to play sports and I workout/exercise everyday. While his health and…
  • Dear friend who just took back their cheating fiance after dragging me into the middle of the drama: how exactly would you like me to respond when I see you and said cheater at my wedding next week "Hi jellyfish and *kitten*, thank you so much for coming" LOL this page is awesome.
  • I could seriously care less what you are doing on the hour every hour... clearly your life isn't that exciting nor are you the weather channel
  • this. I was very "on the fence" until I posted a topic of "help I can't stick to it" someone ... "You don't want it bad enough"... they were right.. Now I'm fitting into my old clothes. snacks, chocolates, sweets, fast food, and temptation will always be there.. you have to find a way to deal with it.
  • Currently 160 Aiming for 150... this will put me at a comfortable size 10. My lowest was 140, and my hip bones still wouldn't let me in a size 8.. that weight was way too hard to maintain
  • well.. and this of course.. you do this for you.. no one else and if they aren't going to support you being healthy then.. tell them to F off
  • If you're worried about people noticing.. just eat half and then say... "woah I'm full.. I'll have to take the rest of this home"
  • that sounds just like me... my other favorite excuse is.. "I don't feel like it"
  • I log in almost every day and i try to keep it real.. Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • This is also the 2nd time this OP has posted this exact same subject. All within an hour or so.