New Here, Tips anyone?



  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    The biggest tip I can offer is to log what you are eating RIGHT NOW... Don't change your diet right away, eat what and how you've always been eating and LOG IT, All of it! Once you see have a pattern you can make reasonable changes that will come easier for you and feel more natural.

    Good luck to you!
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    Log everything and stay committed.

    Also, find some supportive buddies on here, they can pick you up and keep you going. :)
  • Jeanine1234
    Jeanine1234 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm so astonished by the amount of awesome tips and the motivational quotes! I expected to to get a few replies but never this! i feel so motivated now, i actually started to tear up as i was reading through the replies. I feel really good about this you guys! I think for me a big downfall is forgetting. For example i just got out of the shower, got dressed and walked into the kitchen looking for candy, then as i was rummaging through the cupboard i thought to my self" Oh im suppose to me eating healthier now!" i guess eating whenever i have nothing to do has become part of my daily routine. I've decided to surround myself with things that will motivate me. I'm a visual person so i think i will make a wall collage with pictures of where i would like to be and quotes that i find motivating that way everyday its the last thing i see and and the first thing i see when i wake up. They say it takes 30 day to build a habit so i plan to completely change my current ones. i have a pen and paper with me and have written down all the suggestions and motivation that you guys have given to me. I guess i shouldn't view this as a temporary diet but rather as a complete life change. Once again thank you all for the wonderful replies and i look forward to posting weight loss photos! :D
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Add me if you want an honest person to support you.

    M<y #1 recommendation is read Forks Over Knives. I started at over 320 and am now 265 and still losing.
  • marthathebear
    log everything, no cheat days, exercise everyday, just do it!
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    reading through these replies, there is alot of great advice in here..

    what I can add is to LOG EVERYTHING. I hate seeing the red number and the overage, but it comes down to being honest with yourself. Only when you are honest will you see results.

    Find a few exercises that you don't hate and then go back and forth between those. I alternate pilates, yoga, treadmill walks with an incline, and walks with my dog.

    Finally, forgive yourself. Know there will be a day that you will have no will power.. forgive yourself and move on.. this is not going to happen over night.

    Hope this helps! :)
  • cvthatcher
    cvthatcher Posts: 47 Member
    drink lots of tea =] anytime i have an unnecessary craving and i really want to binge on chips or something silly, i make the effort of boiling water and putting the tea in the ball and all that and enjoying it; by the time that's all done, you're no longer craving and you just hydrated and had some healthy tea! getting to where you don't need to sweeten it at all is the best!
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    My tip would be: Log. Absolutely. EVERYTHING.

    Don't just estimate how much cereal you put in your bowl - weigh it.
    Don't think that ONE little piece of candy doesn't matter - log it.
    Even though that herbal tea you just drank was only 1 calorie, LOG IT.

    You must get into the habit of logging absolutely every little thing you put into your mouth, liquid or solid. Never just guess how much you had, because you WILL underestimate. Always weigh, always measure, always log. If you don't have kitchen scales or a tablespoon measure or measuring cups, go out and buy them tomorrow. You will need them.

    Even if you have a day where you fall off the wagon and you end up eating far more than you should, it is STILL important to log it. Even if you KNOW you ate over your limit, LOG IT ANYWAY. Yes it's awful having to look at everything you ate and seeing those red numbers but you MUST look at it in order for it to sink in and for you to face up to what you've done.

    Keep your food diary open to friends, if not to public, so that people can see what you've been doing and how much you've been exercising. If people can SEE what you're doing, you'll be more motivated to do well.

    Good luck!
  • Nmthor
    Nmthor Posts: 36 Member
    Hi. Think about losing weight a little different. You're not trying to lose 125 lbs (that number may seem too big and can be hard to visualize). Instead, say that you're going to lose 1 pound - 125 times. Good luck!
  • Jeanine1234
    Jeanine1234 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you once again for the awesome tips! i just went through my pantry and got rid of anything bad. Majority of them being cookies, chips and candy, and soda. I also still have to purchase the measuring cups and food scale that some of you have mentioned. I'm proud to say that ive gone through the day just drinking water, i almost gave into soda by trying to rationalize that its only one cup but i quickly turned to water before giving me the chance to think lol Now i need to figure out what exercises i should do. Thanks!
  • Superstar_81
    Superstar_81 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi :)

    Log everything!
    Get some great like minded supporters (who dont mind kicking you *kitten* when u need it :laugh: )
    Find an exercise you like doing, cause you'll enjoy yourself when burning calories and will be more likely to stick at it. (I hated going to the gym until I finally worked out that the thought of the exercise bike was putting me right off!! So now I just avoid the bike haha!)

    Good Luck!!