oldultrarunner Member


  • I have been vegan for years. I have rice/bean dish that I make typically once a month as I love it, it's nutrious, filling and tastes great. I take a large dutch oven pan, add 2 cans of black beans (no salt added). I drain the beans and wash with water to get the fat and any salt out. Then I add 2 cans of HOT Chili beans…
  • Me too, love Frank's Red Hot and buy it by the gallon jug for refills. I put it on steamed broccoli, aspargus, beans, everything. I love the taste and get a tingling thinking about it.
  • I have found that the calculations on MFP are significantly off for all cardio exercises primarily because it's calculating on age, weight, and activity level without taking into account heart rate. For example I typically ride my road bike 300+ miles a week. If I ride 14-16 mph average, for say 4 hrs, it will say I've…
  • I totally agree with you. I can' t see how anyone would lose weight by eating their total calories at dinner then 4 hrs later going to bed. In the night, yes your body is still burning calories, but at much slower rate primarily because you're at rest and no exercise is involved, and as such, it would precipitate weight…
  • I always take 2-3 apples with me on domestic flights. On international flights, I throw in some apples, low fat turkey sandwiches, and some low calorie/no salt crackers. I spend a lot of my time in airports sitting and waiting, so I like to have things to munch on that aren't going to add up. I also always bring along a…
  • At one time during my running career, Runner's World had done a short study on an estimate of how many miles equated between cycling and running and as I recall it was about 4-5 miles of cycling equated to approximately 1 mile of running. I never found that to be the case given you use such different muscle groups in…
  • Rowing on an ERG rowing machine, specifically on a Concept2 where you can increase/decrease intensity, is an outstanding aerobic workout. In fact, rowing is one of the best aerobic workouts available because such a large group of muscles are worked during the workout. All the large muscle groups get worked, the legs, back,…
  • Just get dressed and walk out the door. Start walking to get warmed up and the blood flowing, for about 10 minutes, then start jogging slowly. You'll feel much better after you get outside. The most difficult part of running is just getting out the door.
  • I plan for my "cheat" day and it's almost always on a Saturday. I like going to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch Michigan football every Sat., and I know that going to BWW, I'm going to want several pints of good microbrew which I don't drink at all during the week. I never eat the wings, (vegan) but I do have a black bean…
  • Most of the good running stores, have treadmills and even video cameras that they use to take a look at your running gait. They can the prescribe the right running shoes for you. You may pronate severely on the bad leg and they can give you a shoe that has built in wedges which inhibit severe pronation. I would start with…
  • Missy, it's called runner's knee. What is happening is that the patella (kneecap) isn't tracking within the cartiledge underneath and is rubbing. All runner's get it at one time or another. My advice would be to find a soft running surface like grass or dirt trail. Don't run hills and after running, ice the kneecap. I have…
  • Having been a runner and ultramarathoner for over 30 years, the easiest way to get to your goal is to start off walking. When walking becomes too easy, then jog, when you get out of breath from the jogging and it's too difficult, walk. Keep that up. The problem so many people have with running is that they think they can…