New to running and developed knee pain

I'm new to running. I really enjoy it though. I started C25K a little over a week ago. I got new running sneakers that were so comfortable and I was amazed at how good my feet felt after running. But my left knee has started to really hurt out of the blue. It's the area right under my knee and I can barely bend it. It especially hurts to walk up stairs.

Is this all part of getting my body used to running? I've been resting and it's been 3 days and still sore so I haven't done any cardio because I don't want to do further damage/injury. I'm seeing the personal trainer tomorrow for some guidance and a game plan going forward (weight training perhaps). Just wondering if any of you went thru this when you first started to run and was it something I did wrong or just my body getting used to something it's never done before......



  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Bump. I have the same issue, except my knees, hips and ankles all hurt :sad: I want to run!
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    It depends on what kind of pain it it. if its a sharp knife like pain no that is not normal. if is a soreness or muscle pain and goes away with ibuprophen i'd say it's just getting used to it. i am by no means a dr and if you have concerns it's always best to see your dr before starting a new workout regimen.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Seeing a trainer and/or a doc should be top of your list, so good job with that. I've noticed that my knees hurt like the ****ens (aka a lot - happy now MFP?) when I run on a treadmill, my whole body just kills after about 10 min, when I run outside, I can go an hour with no pain. It might be the surface, it might be your speed, maybe you just need a knee brace, get checked out and start pounding pavement again (as soon as you're given permission!)

    I love C25k, such a great program.

    It edited "****ens" what the?!
  • chridow
    chridow Posts: 178
    i'd recommend going to see a dr. to check it out. it could be a minor injury and you'll need to rest another week to let it heal. or it cld be something like runner's knee where basically the patella of your knee doesn't track properly and grinds against the cartilge of your knee. your pain sounds like mine and i've had to do a bunch of things to accomodate running with as little pain as possible. if it is runner's knee your first step is to let the injury heal completely. next you may need to wear a knee brace to help the patella track properly when running. it will also help to add strength training to your routine. by making the muscles surrounding the knee stronger, they can better help with proper movement.

    bottom line, take it easy until you figure out what the problem is. feel better soon!
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Did you get running shoes geared toward your particular arch?

    That pain is something to be concerned about, but nothing terrible. (I know someone who had that. I think she found some tips on the Runner's World site to help her, but IMHO, it is safest to check in with your doctor.)
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    It's great that you've started running — congratulations!

    The issue that you've described sounds like "runner's knees" or chondromalacia patellae. It's one of the more common injuries with running. Yes, it's an injury so it's good that you're seeking advice from an expert (the trainer).

    I'd also suggest that you check out Runner's World and read up on what's going on inside your knee.

    This link will get you in the right area:,7122,s6-241-286-0-0,00.html

    I've had runner's knee since college and found relief, after 3 decades of constant pain, when I started taking glucosamine. Two pills a day and I have zero pain. Some folks get relief, some don't.
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    comfortable shoes don't equal correct shoes.

    All of the knee pain I've experience running has been solved by good shoes. Go get fitted by a professional who will measure and watch your gait. It's worth it.
  • Missy0104
    Thank you all. I'll do more research on runner's knee and get checked out if it doesn't get better. Is the trainer the right person to check out my shoes or can I rely on someone at a sporting good store?
  • ajfranzen77
    I have heard running is really bad on the joints. I unfortunately had knee problems before I started running that I didn't know about. I had a torn meniscus resulting in knee surgery in June. My pain was under the knee cap, but when the doctor pushed on the outside of my knee where the joint is I flew off the table from the pain. I put up with the pain thinking it would get better over time, however the meniscus does not heal on its own, it has to be repaired or the torn part removed( which is what I had done). Because I let it go for so long the cartilage on the bottom of my femur also tore so they had to remove that and then take a tool that looked like an ice pic and poke holes in the knee to form fake cartilage. My recovery time was supposed to be 2 weeks, because of the extra stuff done it was 6 weeks.

    The point to my little rant, if after a few days the pain has not gone away go see your doctor. When I say pain I mean, not able to go up and down stairs, walking is painful. The longer you wait the more damage you can do.

    Good Luck! And I hope you feel better soon!!!
  • oldultrarunner
    oldultrarunner Posts: 13 Member
    Missy, it's called runner's knee. What is happening is that the patella (kneecap) isn't tracking within the cartiledge underneath and is rubbing. All runner's get it at one time or another. My advice would be to find a soft running surface like grass or dirt trail. Don't run hills and after running, ice the kneecap. I have many bags of frozen peas, corn, etc in my freezer and they are great for icing parts of the body. Having been a marathon/ultramarathon runner for over 30 years, I can tell you that it just takes time. The other thing you might want to try is, buying one of the patella straps that attach by velcro and you fit it under the kneecap. This causes the kneecap to stay in position and track normally.

    Hope this helps. Stay with it.

  • oldultrarunner
    oldultrarunner Posts: 13 Member
    Most of the good running stores, have treadmills and even video cameras that they use to take a look at your running gait. They can the prescribe the right running shoes for you. You may pronate severely on the bad leg and they can give you a shoe that has built in wedges which inhibit severe pronation. I would start with a good running store first as they've seen it all.
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    DEFINITELY see a doctor. This happened when I started running (last week, though it feels like ages ago) and the pain, after three days and tons of swelling, I finally broke down and went to the doctor. Acute tendinitis and bone spurs. My jogging/running career is officially at it's end.

    You do not want to risk tears in the ligaments or ACL. Please see a doctor!!
  • Missy0104
    Thank you everyone!! I appreciate all the feedback. This is all REALLY helpful!!!!
  • Missy0104
    So quick update - took one Aleve last night and iced my knee for a good hour and it feels so much better today!!!!!! Still resting it a few more days and sticking to upper body. Meeting with the trainer tonight on a game plan going forward. (and get to a sporting store to get my shoes checked.....)
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    So quick update - took one Aleve last night and iced my knee for a good hour and it feels so much better today!!!!!! Still resting it a few more days and sticking to upper body. Meeting with the trainer tonight on a game plan going forward. (and get to a sporting store to get my shoes checked.....)

    instead of a sporting store try to find a running store they will analyze your gait. i never knew that i overpronated when i ran and guess what theres a shoe for that.. hahaha. good luck and happy running.