how to start running

Back in June my oldest son ran a 5k race. I would love to run it with him next year. Can anyone tell me how to start.


  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Google "Couch to 5K" and you should be able to find plenty of training workouts......even for a treadmill. it at this site.
  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    google couch to 5k and go to a running store and get properly fitted for the right running shoes. Good luck!
  • bkelley32148
    bkelley32148 Posts: 279 Member
    love the c25k app on my phone
  • Zoe2901
    Zoe2901 Posts: 73 Member

    I found this website useful and i startd out doing this and i can now run nearly a mile.
  • oldultrarunner
    oldultrarunner Posts: 13 Member
    Having been a runner and ultramarathoner for over 30 years, the easiest way to get to your goal is to start off walking. When walking becomes too easy, then jog, when you get out of breath from the jogging and it's too difficult, walk. Keep that up. The problem so many people have with running is that they think they can just jump into running a 5 or 10K and find out rather quickly that they develop shin splints which are painful and they quit.

    Do not run on concrete. Concrete is unforgiving and has no resilency so your legs and feet take all the continuous pounding and believe me, it also is not good on the knees. The best surface for running is a dirt trail or dirt road. Even running on asphalt is much better than running on concrete. You can also do laps around a high school track as their surfaces are usually very good.

    I would recommend for you to get started would be to start walking, the when that becomes too easy, jog say from one telephone pole to the next, then walk. Keep that up for maybe 15 min. Then every day or every other day, increase the amount of run time vs the walk time. That will allow your body to develop a base of endurance and before long you won't be walking at all.

    Just keep at it!

    Hope this helps
  • adnama36
    adnama36 Posts: 32 Member
    I highly recommend Couch to has helped me become a runner! When I started the program, it was all I could do to run for 30 I'm doing 5k's, and considering a 10k!
  • Missy0104
    LOOOOOVE my C25K app on my iphone!!! It syncs to my itunes library and I have a blast. I never thought I would enjoy running so much!!!
  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    Tell your son you want to run with him! It's easy to say, "I'll start running soon," but as soon as you go and tell someone important to you that you're going to start, you feel obligated to actually go out and do it.

    Before I started running, I was terrified of the idea of people seeing me outside running... I was worried that I wasn't fast enough, and people would judge me. But I really wanted to give it a shot, so I asked my boyfriend to go with me the first time. I mapped out a short, 3k route on google maps, and we went together, alternating running and walking. That gave me the courage to go alone the next day.

    C25K is probably better than mapping your own route (I didn't know about it at the time), but yeah. :D

    Also, you could sign up for You can track your running on there, and see how far (literally!) you've come.
  • td03692
    Thanks for all the great help. Everyone here is so supportive. Im going to start today and I will keep you updated. (Im still a little nervous)
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    Couch to 5K.... like others have said.... is the best. And even if you think you can do more than what is mapped out for you... stick with the designed program. It really does work.

    Back in March I was walking a 21 minute mile and was out of breath. Today... after a 5 minute warm-up, I ran for 40 minutes at 5.5mph. I may not be the fastest yet, but... I've come a long way. All of my running has been on the treadmill (due to the hot humid weather), but... I want to get outside soon and do a 5K this fall.

    Good Luck!!!! You CAN do it!!!
  • tristahenry
    I'm a huge fan of You can get wonderful training routines for just about anything as well as workouts to help you avoid injury, improve speed, etc. It has something for you at any level, including beginners.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Thanks for all the great help. Everyone here is so supportive. Im going to start today and I will keep you updated. (Im still a little nervous)

    Good luck! I understand being nervous but trust me you'll be just fine. I was nervous for many reasons at first also, the trail I run on is always busy and usually with people in way better shape than me but I sucked it up, started doing walk/run intervals and I've never looked back. People are very supportive, no one judges the overweight girl running like I thought they would and I feel awesome when I'm done! I'm getting to where I run more than walk, it's a slow process but determination will get you there!