

  • There is a common myth regarding fat burn at lower levels of intensity, that is to say the fat burning "zone" is limited to a lower level of workout. This is untrue. You will start to burn fat at a lower level of cardio intensity BUT (!!!) if you can worked harder, at a higher intensity, for the same amount of time you…
  • As long as I don't have the temptation in the house I manage, if we have crisps, chocolate or something like that around somewhere I find myself eating my way through a family pack of Doritos or Kettle Chips or something similar. So for me it is not having those around and replacing them with apples, raw carrots (I do use…
  • Both work well, faster but the same amount of time burns more calories as does same intensity but longer time. For me I found it easier to build up longer time at the same intensity and then increase intensity for the same time as I did originally. There are some days that you feel like lead and as long as you are already…
  • Certainly the one thing I've found piles on the calories is bread, it's really the only change I've made to my diet is to cut out (or drastically cut down) on my bread intake. It's so easy to add a bread roll to a salad or bread with soup and that will effectively undo any good you've already achieved. Other than that,…
  • Steve I can understand everything else in your answer but why keep Sodium to 100%? Sean
  • Hi I can certainly relate to loving food. This site is really helping me - good luck, and keep at it. Sean
    in helllooo Comment by sean_m April 2010
  • Hi Jenna We're both looking to lose 20 lbs in the first instance anyway, and we've both lost about the same so far. Keep it going, dreading tomorrow as I failed and had a large glass of wine - it had been one of those days! Still had some calories in the bank but dreading the weight in tomorrow! Sean
  • Thanks Yeah, I've learned that one! Having been made redundant recently (after running my own company for a couple of years I went back into paid employment), we plan our meals for the week to keep control of our budget. I can actually put in everything for the day and see how it pans out (first day was pizza and it didn't…
    in Hi! Comment by sean_m April 2010