
Hello everyone,

This is the first time I've actively tried to lose weight. I used to think that as long as I was active I could eat and drink what I like. That was fine whilst I was active, but when I left the Army to run my own business work got in the way and the active part disappeared. That was when the weight started to creep on. I used to 13 st (182 lbs), this slowly crept up and up until I was around 15 st last Christmas. I have tried to eat less and pick up my activity again - managing to get down to around 14 1/2 st (204 lbs), but without the daily motivation of actually tracking the calories that I eat (I'd binge on crisps and I'd love a few glasses of wine in the evening) I wasn't making any more progress. Well, a few days in using the site and it has certainly got me exercising more, there have been times that I'd look at the crisps (150g pack) and work out what the calories for the whole pack would be and even considered missing a meal to eat them - thankfully I have so far managed to put them back inot the cupboard.

Anyway, I wanted to lose 2 lbs / week for the first stone and then 1 lbs a week thereafter - around 20 lbs in total. I then intend to continue using the site to motivate me in maintaining my weight rather than putting it back on.

So, there is my potted history & my intensions, let's see if I actually stick to it?



  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Welcome Sean! :flowerforyou:
    MFP REALLY, REALLY, DOES work! :love: So stick with it, and it WILL work for YOU too! :wink: :smile:
    Ps. I always recommend to everyone to try and log all your foods BEFORE you have them, rather then after, as it tends to lead to better food choices. :wink:
  • sean_m
    sean_m Posts: 13

    Yeah, I've learned that one! Having been made redundant recently (after running my own company for a couple of years I went back into paid employment), we plan our meals for the week to keep control of our budget. I can actually put in everything for the day and see how it pans out (first day was pizza and it didn't look good!). It has motivated me to do more exercise and after a heavy weekend of dinner party saturday / family dinner sunday with my brother & sister and their children my weight went up first and then came back down - back to where I started now and hopefully the downward trend will continue.

  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I hear you with the exercising. Once I started seeing my food entries add up FAST, I learned pretty darned quick that I could up my totals by getting exercise, soooo, I DID!
    If you're really honest about everything you're putting in your mouth, drink lots of water, and get some exercise, you WILL lose the weight that you want to! :smile: