Hey.....I'm new and need some support

:happy: Trying to lose 15 pounds. I work out 5 days a week but most of my weight is in my belly and waist. I hate doing sit ups :grumble: what other exercises can you recommend for your ab's.


  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I have an Ab Lounger, I like it. Thats the toughtest area.
  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    Cardio has worked pretty well for me!
  • shanti108
    I am a yoga teacher and lucky enough to spend a lot of time in the gym and have a lot of friends who are nutrionists and trainers. From what I have read and been told over and over by many great trainers and resources is that no matter how many crunches/ab exercises you do, you can't lose the belly fat without a proper diet and high intensity cardio. Of course getting strong core muscles is really important as well, you can't actually trim the fat without the diet and cardio. For myself, I have cut out all refined carbs, only small amounts of wholegrains and increased my protein intake, I have started counting calories to have a better understanding of what I am eating and how much. I try and eat only good fats and avoid anything high in sodium or sugar ( I try to avoid anything that comes in a box or package so only good, whole foods)

    High Intensity Cardio Training is a fantastic way to burn calories. In a 40 minute session you can burn about 400 to 500 calories. Because it is high intensity you are well out of your fat burning zone but overall you burn more calories that way.

    As for core exercises if you aren't into the traditional crunches etc I would recommend trying either yoga or pilates, both focus on creating a strong core foundation without the old school ab exercises.

    I have been stuck with my little Buddha Belly for many years, it's definately a tough area for women. Best of luck to you!
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    You don't need to do abdominal exercises to get rid of fat in your abdominal area. Anything that gets your heart rate up will burn the excess fat on your body. Ab exercises will help tone your stomach, something that will only really be visible after you've lost the fat. I recommend cardio exercises and especially group fitness classes as a great way to burn calories and shed the extra weight around your midsection.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    cardio is the best choice. crunches is to help tone the skin and the muscle :)
    cardio just burns fat, but make sure you eat right and not eat anything that you shouldnt be eating, the midsection should just go off like cheese
  • sean_m
    sean_m Posts: 13
    the midsection should just go off like cheese

    LOL, I like it!
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    Like others have said, you can't spot train. Ab work will show benefits when you do burn that fat off the belly, but it won't significantly help burn it off. Cardio work is going to be what helps burn that fat the most.

    Also, for a lot of us (myself included), the belly is the last spot that fat wants to leave. Diet is extremely important when trying to lost those last pounds. If you feel you're doing everything you can, take a closer look at your diet and make sure you are avoiding foods that cause an insulin spike, as this does encourage the body to retain fat around the midsection. Obviously sugary foods fall into this category, but also foods like white bread, diet pop, and some other sneaky pete's cause the same body reaction as true sweets.