

  • I agree that it's better to stay home and rest up, or if you really want to get in a work out, do something at home until you've recovered and can hit the gym again. No sense in going and possibly passing along your illness to others.
  • Whether it's alcohol or anything else (sweets, etc.), I think if it fits into your calories/macros for the day, it's not a problem, unless you find yourself unable to consume it in moderation.
  • I've sort of learned to love it, but when I first started, I used to absolutely hate cardio, so I would often just put on some music I like and dance. I still do that when I don't feel like doing anything else, and it's a great way to work up a sweat without really thinking about distance or how fast I'm going or any those…
  • Hi there. My starting weight was 183-185 and my goal weight is 120-130. I'm 5'1", so several inches shorter than you, but I definitely know what's like to have fluctuating weight and how frustrating that can be. I joined MFP a long time ago but then never really stuck with it. Now I'm back and have managed to lose more…
  • This.^^^^ I don't think the root issue of your problem is the fitness/weight stuff. I think there are underlying things you need to deal with. The fitness/weight thing has just become an example of other, deeper issues that you guys need to work through. Figure out what those issues are, learn to clearly communicate and…
  • Oh, okay. I didn't know how many pounds OP needed to lose. 1000 just seemed really high to me, but again, like I said, I'm no expert.
  • Wait, your DEFICIT is around 1000? Or you're consuming 1000 calories per day? I'm no expert, but a 1000-calorie deficit sounds potentially harmful. And only consuming 1000 a day is not a good idea, either. I think the recommended is typically 300-500 calories for a deficit, which I think puts you at .5 to 1 lbs loss per…
  • Try some standing ab workouts. You can google them or search on YouTube. I don't know if they're necessarily any more effective (or even as effective) as floor-based ab exercises, but at least they keep you from putting a lot of strain on your back/neck.
  • Just wanted to respond on your note about being terrified of gaining back the weight... Remember, if you're eating at an appropriate deficit, you shouldn't gain the weight back whether exercise is part of your routine or not. Exercise is great and can definitely help the weight loss process - plus, it's good for other…
  • Welcome! Congratulations on taking this first step, and best wishes on your upcoming journey. Since you're new to MFP, here are some threads that you should read. They have some very helpful information on how to get the most out of this site.…
  • Why do I get the feeling this is a troll post? :huh:
  • I typically crave sweets after a really spicy meal or when it's my time of the month.
  • My asthma is mostly allergy/seasonal, so moderate exercise and improving my diet has helped it. It's been in remission for a long while now. I don't remember the last time I needed an inhaler, thankfully. But yeah, as others have said, if exercise is a trigger, then I can't imagine it will help someone's asthma improve.
  • You mentioned going to the hospital before. Do they know what's causing this issue, and has this been happening for more than a few days? Maybe it's best to talk to your doctor. I can understand not wanting to go to the doctor if it's just a stomach virus or something, but if this has been going on for a while or continues…
  • Thanks again, everyone, for your thoughts, suggestions, and empathy. I have some great takaways from this thread. Hopefully things will improve soon! :smile:
  • Eat chicken breasts, lean beef, tuna (or other fish), eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, legumes. Your lack of energy might not just be from a protein deficiency. It's probably from an overall nutrient deficiency. If you're only eating one meal a day, your body isn't getting the fuel it needs. I know you said it's…
  • Just read through this. AWESOME information! Thanks for sharing! I will certainly try to implement some of these practices into my routine.
  • Thanks, everyone, for the great advice and input! I have a lot to think about and consider, and it's great to know that I'm not the only person who's had to deal with this. These are all really good points. Thanks for bringing that up. I don't think I was overtraining, but who knows. Actually, when I was exercising more,…
  • I mean, I know that my root problem isn't just insomnia but the fact that I'm facing depression. And I'm taking steps to deal with that (slowly...), but I guess I was just curious to see if anyone else on this site had found effective ways to keep up with exercise while suffering from insomnia, especially when the insomnia…
  • Insomnia sucks! Thanks for the encouragement and suggestions. I do try to only drink coffee/caffeine earlier in the day. And I don't really drink alcohol much anyway, except occasionally on weekends if I'm out with people. But I haven't done that in a long time, so that hasn't been an issue lately. Yes, I do read before…
  • Lately, Old Navy jeans (mostly their skinny jeans) have been working well for me. And they're pretty inexpensive, which is nice.
  • Oo! Sounds good. I think I'll have to try that sometime. :)
  • I have cheat meals sporadically (err...well, lately, I've been kind of bad and have them more often than I should, lol), and it's worked for me. I've lost 14 lbs while still working in a few full on cheat days where I eat literally whatever I want and don't log. I think the key to successful cheat days is to not have too…
  • You'll probably get multiple answers from different members...or some people will just straight up tell you not to do it, but one of the most common answers that I've seen in various threads is that the MFP exercise database isn't always super accurate; it supposedly overestimates on burns for certain activities, so folks…
  • I use it on my face whenever I have breakouts. ACV + bentonite clay face packs are seriously the best pore-cleanser/acne treatments I've come across. I keep thinking about drinking it, because apparently it helps skin and hair when ingested (vs just topically), but I have no idea how true that actually is.
  • I did the same thing about a year ago, and to be honest, I don't even want to go near soda anymore, lol. I know there are people who will say, "just have it in moderation," but I personally don't see the need to incorporate soda into my life. I actually cut it out because I'm a singer, so I did it more for my vocal health…
  • If you're eating less than your TDEE, you should be able to lose weight. In most cases, unless a doctor tells you to or something, you should not eat below our BMR.