Sherrielsb Member


  • Sounds good if this isn't a closed group I am in for 50.
  • One benefit of being away for a while is reading these huge accomplishments everyone has made! That's fabulous, @laurie yours really jumped out last time I was consistently on here you weren't even writing about attempting overhangs, let alone conquering them. I have fallen into that trap as many of us do - or maybe tis…
  • Monday check in- Fianlly faced the music after WAY TOO LONG, not only got ont he scale and really looked at the numbers but updated my lack of progress ticker to be truthful, since mid Sept when I began sliding and not watching myself carefully I have put back almost fifteen pounds and exited Onederland yet again. So the…
  • Saturday success- refound the thread, and have managed to keep breathing. Sinus infections are the worst, wish their was a vaccuum attachment that I could put up my nose to suck all this "yuck" out. In an hour I can take my next dose and am so ready to try and get some sleep. Hope everyone is staying healthy! Can't wait to…
  • Saturday success- I managed to haul myself out of bed and get out the door for a jog at 5am. It was cold but not horrible, warmed up pretty good after a mile and by mile 3had even taken off the gloves. Went a total of 12miles. Next week I am @ Disney for the Wine and Dine 1/2 marathon and had to get in a long run. It felt…
  • Friday fitness, made it to jazzercise today, class number 170 for the year, trying to get 200 in this year. Hoping to get a nice run in this weekend
  • I totally love the idea of continuing the CARB challenge, I would need to also keep track of the sugars for myself. What with all the goodies that are going to be hanging out nearly everywhere we turn. First week sounds like a good time to measure as well. Monday check in, its late and I'm tired but the bag fo Halloween…
  • Happy Saturday Finalyl got caught up on posts, so let the comments flow... for those craving carbs- 1 thing that helps me is to mix some complex carbs with protein. My personal fave is fat free refried beans with cheese and salsa. It helps with the carbs and the extra fiber can't hurt. Although I will admit sometimes it…
  • I am in the same boat, I have it and enjoy it but haven't done it consistently. Once winter hits and its too cold to exercise outside I am planning on really giving this a solid 90 day go and see how it works.
  • A good sports bra is the key, there is also the added option of a "jane strap" that fits over the upper part of your chest to help reduce bounce. For those of us really into and loving running we don't skimp on our running shoes (for the most part). Its an investment in our health, why should our girls get as much…
  • Saturday- as glad as I am for the rain we are receiving here it has thwarted my chance for a run. The alarm went off at 5 and I was jsut too tired, figuring the weather man was tellign the truth and that the rain would blow over. It did kind of, except it started up again about every 60-90 min so it didn't happen. But the…
  • sounds like quite a weekend of extremes, we had the good, the bad, the ugly and the horrible of society to interact with. For those who got stuck with the fuzzy end of the lollipop, I'm sorry. Few things are more damaging than thoughtless cruel words- especially when spoken by idiots. For those who had a great weekend,…
  • Catching up- Friday fitness I hit a goal, it was my 150th Jazzercise class for the year, and earned my "free" t shirt- free- ha ha, it only took me 10 months of class to earn it but the best part is that its a size smaller than last years. Every year they have a different t-sgirt that you can earn for attendance. I got…
  • Goodness but we are moving fast, I blink and sneeze and we are on a new topic thread page (or whatever the technical term for it is) Very glad to be putting this Tuesday to bed, and a bit early I might add. Hannah has slept 2 nights in her 'big girl toddler bed" and so far minimal trauma. I have still ended up spending…
  • Happy Sunday! So here's my share- I updated my picture, its from the Air Force race 2 weeks ago. I have already signed up for the next race, its a 3 race series of 10Ks, for the holiday, a Halloeween, Thanksgiving and Christmas one. I thought it sounded like fun, and would help me stay motiveated as the weather turns. I…
  • Thursday truth- I haven't gotten caught up on the palst couple pages but will do so soon, I figured I had better get this writte out before it gets too late and I am too tired. Not that I am playing confessional but my truth for today is why I had been absent for so long. During the summer I took my kids in for their…
  • I think I got my wish- is this the original thread? I was way out of the loop over the summer and then got lost trying to refind everything
  • I fly out tomorrow and am so excited, I love this race! I know I will improve from the last time I did this one 2 years ago- I walked that time and I'm jogging it this time. I still consider myself in "turtle" division but am slowly improving my slow speeds. My Pr for a 1/2 is 3:28:29
  • I wish my body and muscles were as ready for this as my mind is. My 2 year old has been set on making sure mom gets as little sleep as possible and my training hasn't been what i would like. Hoping to get in a practice 13 before beginning my taper, tomorrow if the rain stops or at least Monday morning when the hubs can…
  • So what day is weigh in/ return and report day?
  • If it isn't too late I would love to join SW- 195
  • You may also want to check out a recent issue of either Runner's World or Running times. Both of these magazines are full of good information I am currently using the Jeff Galloway program to train for a better time for a half marathon. SO far I quite like it. Never tried the C25K but many friends have and have loved it!
  • James heard the door close and the lock click. For a moment he breathed a sigh of relief, now hopefully he could try and process all he had witnessed and attempt to make some sort of sense or at least connection to it. There was something about the general's voice that he couldn't put his finger on- but knew that it was…
  • Hallelujah!! THe kids slept through the night!!!! I got up and was out the door by 5:20, and it felt so good to be out running (jogging actually) not that fast yet. Went a total of 4 1/2 miles, and finished my first in 14:40- my best time ever for a mile. Managed to keep the rest at around 15 min pace. Legs, are a little…
  • Frustrating weekend, with my husband out of town and a sick child. She slept better last night so I am hoping to lace up tomorrow morning and get a run in, should be able to get in a mile today though during swim lessons.
  • Knowing this might be the moment he had been praying for he stealthily crept out of the van. We was out somewhere in very rural America. The van was parked between the edge of a crop field and a bit of forest. His eyes adjusted to the darkness and he realized dawn would be approaching soon. The sky was clear and the…
  • Wish I could get my baby to sleep through the night or at least not wake up until after I have left for my run. All I could squeeze in today was 1 mile while the older ones had their swim lesson, still better than nothing. Total for the month 7miles
  • He sat back and tried to inhale deeply in an effort to clear his head. He knew that keeping his wits about him might mean the difference between life and death. The window was very dirty but there were occasional lights, too spread out to be on a freeway or even a main road. After a few more minutes he and the cowboy…
  • Only got 1 mile in today, just had a short time while the big girls were at their swim lessons. Total for the month - 7
  • Got in a nice 6 mile run this morning and was rewarded with a beautiful sunrise total for month so far- 6 miles i managed to keep slightly under a 15min/mile pace for 5 of the miles, which for me is an improvement