Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Wednesday wish – sorry but I’d like continued scale success. I seem to be stalling out as I’ve picked up my activity level which makes no sense to me whatsoever. Apparently my body is mad at me!

    :drinker: ANGELIKALUMIE – the power purge sounds like an excellent program. I always find myself doing little bits rather than ever actually getting through everything and while it’s a good feeling it always feels half done. Wishing you all success! And I don’t know if I ever said WOOT----you are looking just WONDERFUL! You must be smiling all the time.

    :drinker: KARENLEONA – did you make it to the gym? And I agree with your comment, the power purge would require a lot of energy and determination.

    :drinker: RACHAEL & SKINNY – my math is not the question---I was responding as to how I would LOG the activity and I would be conservative and use 4 mph walking. Rachael if you feel you are working out harder, I’d use the entry for aerobics.

    :drinker: KRIS1085 – good luck on upping the water!! It’s difficult to get in a new habit.

    GRANDMAKAYE – I agree if you’re not going to use something, don’t buy it. It’s great that you get outdoors to do your walking.

    :drinker: LAURIE – congrats on your success at the gym and choosing the gym rather than going home. I hope this means you are physically feeling much better at this point.

    :drinker: ROBIN – congrats on updating your ticker. It is great to have lost that much weight and to have kept it off. We know we are all trying to do our best everyday with whatever obstacles may be in our path.

    :drinker: VICKI – sorry you had a bad day. Today will be better.

    :drinker: SUSAN – you are doing a great job and wishing you well on your running. As far as salads, I am very lucky that I adore romaine lettuce and small tomatoes----I *never* get tired or bored with that. Add some shredded carrots and I am smiling. Now if I could not adore peanut butter……..

    :drinker: JUMPY – wow, I am in awe of everything you do! Two great jobs and a wonderful family. Glad to see you whenever you have time to stop by and I’ll go drink some water now. Back. Okay, I love that salad toting thing. Wow. I’ve just totally got to look at the web site more later on. And as far as your goals, I am sitting here thinking, wow, wow, and wow. That would be wonderful (impossible for me) but great.

    :drinker: RENEE – welcome. Stop by often. I love to read all the posts and sometimes don’t have time to post much; other days you can’t shut me up.

    :drinker: BARQUILT – this is a great thread to follow! Very nice friends here…….

    :drinker: RACHAEL – sleeping is a challenge for certain. I have gotten in the habit of not eating after my evening meal. I drink water. What is keeping you up do you think? I actually break all the rules and if I can’t sleep I’ll either: put on a really BORING TV or movie, read a not-too-engaging book, or listen to a playlist on my iPod. I have some relaxing things---Chakras, classic music, or celtic to classic relaxing guitars. Nothing that’s going to make you get up and dance, right?

    :drinker: PINKY_PIE – join in!

    :drinker: TOOTS – I have no family and just picking up after myself some days can be a challenge! How are you feeling now? Kids well? Are you still following that special diet? Was that an anti-inflammatory diet? Help me here----I’m old and forgetful.

    :drinker: ALISON – I swear you are the best at getting out there and running, running, running! I wish my body could agree to perform at that level. As far as salad goes, I *try* to get both cooked veg and raw everyday but I must admit, I lean towards raw more often. Maybe it’s the crunch? I don’t know, it all counts!!

    :drinker: MYM0WM0W – sorry for the extras you got at the store. Nasty outcome for you. I know this is nothing new but I just don’t go down any aisles I do not need to visit most days. Keeps me away from danger. And as far as I am concerned you ROCK. Here’s to a better day.

    :drinker: YUMMYJEWELS – welcome. Great success!!! Come back soon.

    :drinker: KAH68 – ha, yep, salad everyday has that covered for certain. Me too and hopefully everyone is just about detoxed from the Holiday overload of treats. And I mentioned that new Fitbit to Rachael because when my current Fitbit stops functioning the wrist model is the one I have my eyes on. Ha.

    :drinker: DROJEN – good for you, run and/or walk. Whatever you do is great!

    Sorry for anyone I’ve missed. Healthy day to you and you and you. Looks like more folks posted while I was writing this!!


  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    :yawn: @Linder- I'm not sure what is keeping me up. This happens alot. Yesterday was not a stressful day at all. Probably one of my easier ones. I cant watch tv bc then I want to stay up all night LOL. Ive tried music in the past and I always find myself kinda wigging in bed, dancing to it. Hopefully I can sleep well tonight after my workout. I wonder if thats why. I worked out before noon yesterday. I'm going to log my exericse as walking 4.0 until I get that awesome new fitbit! :bigsmile: That sucker is so cool looking! I've thought about pre-ordering it hehehe

    To all new comers- welcome! This thread is great and the people here are FABULOUS! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Monday check in- Fianlly faced the music after WAY TOO LONG, not only got ont he scale and really looked at the numbers but updated my lack of progress ticker to be truthful, since mid Sept when I began sliding and not watching myself carefully I have put back almost fifteen pounds and exited Onederland yet again. So the do-over has begun!

    Tuesday progress, lost 3 pounds over the last week, imagine most is from water and salt from getting back to eating responsibly. Still every little bit helps, Also have been back on the exercise wagon and enjoy breaking a sweat again- actually its the endorphin high after that I really like! 2nd goal is to get caught back up on everyone's posts

    Wed- wishes- that I had faced the music earlier! I wish everyone can stay healthy during this nasty flu season. I have avoided the flu but been struggling with a head cold the last 2 weeks. It's gotten about 85% better but just can't get quite back to 100% better. Its so frustrating!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I just got done reading two pages of posts. My goodness that was a lot for one missed day. I am glad to see that on the whole or little group seems to be doing well. I am doing okk. I just seem to be really tired the last two days. Not really sick or anything just physically drained feeling. If I dont shake it in a day or two I will go and see the doctor. On the upside my calorie count has been pretty low. I am to tired to even want to eat. Oh well enough whining I am going to go find something for breakfast. Have a gerat day all and I will catch you later.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm at work giving finals, so took a little break from grading to catch up on the thread.

    @lin--I knew that was what you meant--I was just teasing. :tongue: And since I had just mentioned how math-challenged I am, I couldn't resist.

    @jeffhackney--Yeah, I saw you peek in with a quick bump. Good to see you back--is crystal back as well? Missed you guys! How is your foot doing--I think when you were last here, you were getting cortisone shots in your heal (OUCH!). Hope all is well with you guys!

    I will do more personals later. Need to get back to grading!

    Can you all guess my Wed. Wish--that's right! that these darn AP essays would magically grade themselves! :ohwell:

    Grading goals:
    1. 4/48 AP essays
    2. 22/22 Advanced Grammar Final Exam essays DONE
    3. enter participation for juniors
    4. finish posting all grades
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Thank you for welcoming me back.

    Wednesday Wishes: Well, I wish I didn't fall off the wagon in September. I wish getting on the wagon was easier. I wish bagels, waffles, pancakes, and coffee-cakes had the same nutritional value as raw veggies. I wish watching comedies and laughing burned as many calories as the elliptical. I wish my house was self cleaning. (Yes, I too am power purging. But FIRST I'm doing the Flylady stuff. ) I wish that nice weather in Chicago (for January, anyway) wasn't due to the same cause that is drowning the polar bears. I wish my uncle didn't fall again.

    But mostly, I wish @nacebo a happy birthday! (Hey, and it's the most plausible of all of my wishes! :bigsmile: )
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Dumb question-- but this is the first time I've used a pedometer in my life. How do I log it? Do I do it as just walking, general and put in how many calories the pedometer says? LOL- dumb question!!!

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    @ naceto


    So it looks like Thanksgiving and Christmas I eat too much and get less active. Not only those two days but the days around them. It looks like if I am off of work I’m am unhealthy. I got to work on that.

    Have a healthy day!

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Reporting in for the day. We got in our walk at the indoor track. Its still extremely cold here, and thus still icy as well because it hasn't been warm enough for the ice to melt. :grumble: I've had a very busy day doing laundry and packing for our trip. Will be leaving tomorrow afternoon. I am finding it rewarding and frustrating at the same time, because I am realizing that I have very little that fits, especially pants. I have a large suitcase full of the clothes that will not come home with us. (The clothes, not the suitcase. :wink: ) DH teased me about not giving away my luggage because I was running out of clothes. My daughter brought me a box of clothes last night. Some of them were things that I had given to her quite a few years ago when she was at her heaviest. Most of them fit me now, so that helps, but none of them are pants. Maybe I can go thrift store shopping while I'm in UT.
    Here's wishing/hoping that my strategies will work while I am visiting with family and friends.
    Have a good evening. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Jeff Hackney - Good to see you!

    Grandma Kaye - since I discovered pajama bottoms for casual wear (around the house) I want to completely abandon the jeans I wear! Hope you can find some comfortable and appealing pants in Utah - good luck and I hope the weather is mild on your trip!

    I just bought a new pedometer today at Target and am excited to get it working and start logging again!

    Weds Wish - that all our Newlings are settling in and feeling like they belong here. The more you post, the more we'll get to know you and start "personalizing' our responses to you. It does take a while to get the hang of things such as posting all the food you eat and learning to stay under your calories so don't feel like a dunderhead if you're having trouble - speak up with your frustrations so we can console you!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome drojen - your Tuesday goals are great!

    Welcome kvandeest - I share your foot and knee problems, so I understand tracking your food is all-important for you. It takes a while to get the hang of it. Keep trying!

    Welcome Melancholy2 - Congrats on your 10 minute walk. If you can do that 3 times a day, that would be a great accomplishment.

    Welcome SkinnyMe535 - you're going to LOVE being addressed as "skinnyme" all the time! We have one other lady we call Skinny on here, and she NOW FITS HER NAME!

    Welcome Barquilt - you have quickly become a regular! I admire that and you ask good questions! We will help you get out of that walker!

    Welcome Pinkie_Pie - this is the right place for you - be patient and be gentle on yourself, it takes time to get into the swing of this!

    Welcome yummyjewels - 11+ lbs already - what a great start! You've got this already!

    Welcome harribeau2012 - hope your with us - stick around !

    Welcome trumpkat80 - thanks for the compliments - we've had some amazing success stories from here!


    Welcome back Sherrielsb - so good to see an old friend again! Yes, we all have some set--backs, and have to get back up and have a do-over, you can do it! :heart:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Wish-for a snow storm that will close school tomorrow. They are calling for snow but the amounts keep changing.

    Welcome to all the new people.

    I am feeling better physically and mentally, which is good thing. My knee while still swollen is not causing me any pain and my activity level is increasing. Tonight I was able to row again, which felt great. so I was able to get in some fitness activities.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Wednesday wish - that I can continue to increase my running time and not suffer any back pain. It took me a while to think of something.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    wed wish- that i could get my stinkin Kobo to work properly to upload books from the library. I am about ready to pitch it and my computer through the window. Good thing my new renter is a computer whiz!!
    got to the gym yesterday and was very happy to get re-aquainted with some weights
    today i went to the pool and walked 34 lengths in 30 min. I tried to go as fast as i is really hard to walk inchest deep water :laugh: It was a bit boring but i was watching the young swim team in the rows next to me then i went and sat in the hot tub....aaaaahhhh ....bliss. My legs are tire tonight but no pain from my knee
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @drojen--that's a great wish! I'm also working on increasing my distance. I've been kind of "stuck" running 5ks as my "long" runs, but I'm registered for an 8k in May. Right now I'm still running 2-3 miles most runs, but am trying to run 4 miles once a week. I've done it 2 weeks in a row, but I still can't run the entire 4 miles. If we just keep at it, we will reach our goals! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--glad that knee is getting better and that you can some fitness in again. I will cross my fingers that you get just the right amount of snow to get the day off! :wink:

    @robin--:laugh: That is quite an exaggeration, but I love you for saying it! :heart:

    @kaye--have a great trip!

    @tom--I think it's easy to get caught up in the holiday eating, and unfortunately, all of the travel and visiting often means less time to work out. I'm really glad I started doing that Turkey Trot 2 years ago. At least it ensures I will get in a good workout before I eat my turkey dinner. If I lived in a warmer climate, I would sign up for a Santa or Jingle Bell run, but I hate running in the really cold weather. :ohwell:

    @rachael--figure out your MPH first, then enter "walking 3.0 mph" for example. I think most speeds are already in MFP's exercise database. As far as calories burned, it depends on how accurate you think your pedometer is. Do you enter in your personal data like age and weight? If so, it's probably fairly accurate. If not, you may want to see what the MFP database says, and maybe check a 3rd source such as health status:

    You can compare the numbers and take the mid one or an average of the 3.

    @helen--I feel the same way about the more temperate winters. I like that it's not quite so cold and "blizzardy," but I also know the costs are not worth it.

    @tammy--hope you get the spring back in your step soon.

    @sherrie--you will be back in onederland in no time! Are you still running that Disney half-marathon? Isn't that coming up soon? Hope your head cold clears up completely--those lingering ones are the worst! :grumble:

    @yummyjewels--great start!! :drinker:

    @kris--we all have those bad days, but you know you can get that great day in! You just have to wake up everyday and try again--you didn't lose over 100 lbs by accident--you know what to do! :happy:

    @alison--ugh! I don't even want to think about taxes! Fortunately, ours aren't due until April 15th, which means I can do them over spring break--yipee:grumble:

    Welcome to any other newlings! :flowerforyou: Please don't feel slighted if you didn't get a personal from me. My intention is to try to hit everyone at some point during the week--too many of us to respond to everyone each day.

    I went to starbuck's after a long walk with gunner, but I only got through a few papers. :ohwell: Tomorrow I have 2 more finals to administer. They are 90 minutes each, so I hope to get through a good chunk of the remaining essays tomorrow. I average about 6 papers/hour, so my goal is 18.

    Grading goals:
    1. 7/48 AP essays
    2. 22/22 Advanced Grammar Final Exam essays DONE
    3. enter participation for juniors
    4. finish posting all grades
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Thank you all for the continued Birthday wishes and support! Wow. And Jumpy- LOL on the brain usage/calorie burn- "if it's on the internet..." tee hee. I will drop you a line when I get to statistics :)

    Robin- My sister is throwing me a surprise party on Saturday... oh um, well, yes, I do know about it. I have to pretend to be surprised. She is not really good at keeping secrets!

    And now, deep thoughts with Nicole...... Birthdays are significant. They are a mile marker in life. A sign that says, "I survived." I may have stumbled through the obstacles and suffered scars, but each of those wounds heals and tells a tale. I have reached beyond my limits. I overcame, I grew, I felt triumph and joy. I have loved and was loved in return. There is certainly significance in that... So I will have a little cake (yes, Susan, just a little;) and I will wear a party hat, and giggle at all of the old age jokes... because I have earned all forty of my years. :)

    My Wednesday wish is that each of us remember to reach beyond our self imposed limits and take pride in ourselves. Whether you are on the first steps, or the final miles of your journey... you should pat yourself on the back. Forward motion means progress... so keep moving forward. :drinker: For those of us that stopped the forward motion for awhile- remember, failing is a requirement to success- the trick is to find the lessons in the setbacks, and use them to push yourself even further. Fall 8 times, get up 9 (is that how it goes?)
  • barquilt
    barquilt Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome & the words of encouragement! My Wednesday wish is that this time is the charm & I will lose this weight! I had a good day today. I try to do the exercises for my legs 3 times a day but sometimes other things get in the way. Today was successful. I'm a quilter & I haven't been able to sew for 6 weeks until yesterday. I think that was the best therapy I could have had. There are so many times I can get involved in a project & won't think of food for hours. So much better than in front of the TV like I've been. Both of my daughters are using MFP, too. We're so glad we found this site.
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, I missed yesterday as I worked the last couple of nights and it just got away from me. My wednesday wish would be for life to just slow down a bit as it seems to be racing on me. I finished work this morning and after a few hours sleep got up and drove the 2 1/2 hours to my daughters place so I could spend a couple of days with my grandkids. If time is going to keep moving so fast, I want to spend time with them and have some fun. This evening I played some computer games with my 5 year old grand daughter, read stories and watched Mickey Mouse with my 3 yr. old grandson and played a Wii game with my 13 yr. old granddaughter. Quality time with each of them. Then when they were nicely tucked into bed, my daughter and I had a drink and watched a movie together. Now that to me is a good day. Well worth the drive up here.
    I'm having trouble getting started on an exercise routine. I'm so tired from work and my body aches all over. I know in my head, that once I get started, I'll feel so much better but I just can't find the path to get started. Thats my Thursday truth. I'm working hard trying to stick to my food goals and I'm logging everything down regardless of whether its good or bad. But, the exercise is a tough one. Glad I'm here though as I know there will be more than a few of you out there who have been in the same spot. How did you guys get started after a break in exercise?? I'll listen to any helpful hints. Charlotte
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    @ Naceto
    @ naceto


    dito! wishing you a very happy birthday! :flowerforyou:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Thursday Truth: I suck my belly in a little when I do my measurements.

    Shame on me! :laugh: