

  • I am so proud of you! You are an inspiration to everyone! To not only lose weight, but to get healthier! Love you!
  • Hello I AM BACK! Finally baby isn't sick! Only took a WHOLE week which resulted in weight gain! NOT EVEN going to measure! LOL... Can't wait to get back into it... Looks like everyone is doing AWESOME
  • Hello Ladies! PHEW I thought I had lost you! :) Thanks Skinny! Well my baby is still sick yes STILL so I only worked out once this week, I have gone over calories most days considering I havent been able to go to the store to get more fruits and veggies! But as long as I don't gain this week I will be happy! I am praying I…
  • My baby is still sick but when he was napping I did get a 30 min Wii fit workout in! I also was under calories. Today I don't think I will be able to work out! We were up all night with 103 temp so I am very TIRED can barely keep my eyes open to make them lunch even after 2 cups of coffee! Lets just hope I stay under in…
  • One mroe thing everyone is doing AWESOME great losses!
  • First Amarretta- WOW size 4 its been since 9th grade for me! LOL I didn't get to measure I have a sick baby, but wanted to pop in I lost 1.4lbs this week YEA!!! I burned 2005 calories this week, now saturday through monday was just running around with kids and carrying them, but every little extra counts right! I amhoping…
  • Haven't burned any actual exercise calories but had a garage sale today in the heat and was on my feet running around alld ay then came home and played outside with the kids... I was so hungry I ate a whole footlong sub from subway but thats pretty much all I have had today and my coffee! :) OO and friday I didn't have…
  • I actuallty live in TN yesterday was finally a chili day LOL, but next week back to high 80's :) I was just making a jump start since I was craving my veggie soup!
  • I did 30 minutes of pilates today! burned 178 i think! I am so EXCITED it is finally chili enough out to open the windows and make my homemade veggie soup and corn bread! I also made a low fat carrot cake with powdered sugar topping I hope its delicious! I know the batter was! :) I LOVE FALL! I am also excited that I have…
  • Today I burned 288 calories doing 50 minutes of Pilates! I might do some cardio later but probably not because I have a hard time to going ot sleep after that!
  • First thanks everyone for the congrats! Amaretta- I have an IUD and they say you sometimes don't get a TOM. But you may no physically get it but I believe that my body still thought it was because look at my results! Caloires burned 1355 Lost 2.2lbs Waist-same Bellybutton-Lost 2" 37.5-35.5 In Between- Lost 1" 38-37…
  • I burned over 250 cals walking for 30 and doing 50 min of wii fit. I found out I am NOT pregnant today thank GOD, so now really have to figure out why I am so BLOATED LOL :) Hope I can fix it!
  • I understadn I had KFC for supper last night and again leftover for lunch today! I didn't even walk but I did SCRUB the house and it took me 2 hours sweating like a bandet burned over 300 calories :)
  • Didn't do any exercise yesterday had a birthday party and of course Football (american) :) has started! LOVE WATCHING! So also had bad food! Going to church this morning but am going ot try and do something later since, apparently I need sleep because I slept 10.5 hours comfortably! OOO and thank God the kids slept too ALL…
  • So far burned 380 calories just running around with the kids and going shopping! Didn't do so hot on my diet but was craving some mexican food! If I can get some more energy I am going to do some yoga! If not then shower and bed for me!
  • 270 calories burned today! Didn't realize housework was on there! Man I workout more than I thought LOL! But I did do Wii Fit Yoga and strength training today!
  • Didn't burn anything extra yesterday besides running around with my kids! And I didn't eat all that well! Weds are my busy days so not much time to workout! But seeing people read and do squats and such! WOW I feel LAZY! LOL Will make up for it today if I can get off here! LOL
  • the oldest just wanted to dance so he danced with me the little one was taking a nap!
  • Only burned 109 calories it says doing about 20 mins of Zumba. But thats better than what I have been doing NOTHING! Also have 2 kids under the age of 3 so 20 mins with no interuptions was AWESOME! LOL
  • I took your advice they are no posted on my profile! ;)
  • Well took pictures but can't figure out how to add them to a post! :)
  • YEA first day and had a horibble cheating weekend! So here we go! Will post pictures later! Waist-30" Belly Button-37.5" In Between-38" Hip(biggest part of butt)-41" How often are we posting measurement?
  • Thanks I have heard Zumba is fun! I do have a Wii so I will have to save up and get it! But I will try it out on Youtube first!
  • Count me in! Will post measurements tomorrow morning! Going to have one last cookout before I get really motivated! Jiggly belly is my biggest problem! :laugh: If I can figure it out I will post before pictures.. RELAXED! Because we all know we like to suck it in as much as we can when a picture is taken!